Ian Thorpe
From KM4Dev Wiki
This page is for listing all discussions started and contributed by Ian Thorpe.
To know more about Ian Thorpe, visit this member's profile page on KM4Dev.org.
Discussions started by Ian Thorpe (1)
- 13 July 2010: Social Networking: how helpful should you be?
Discussions contributed by Ian Thorpe (15)
- 19 April 2015: How do you measure impact of your knowledge products and publications?
- 17 December 2013: What does the term "landscape of practices" evoke for you in your own KM4Dev work?
- 18 July 2013: Lessons Learned - The Loch Ness monster of KM
- 2 December 2011: How to collect and present Lessons Learnt
- 6 August 2010: A rigorous approach to lesson learning
- 13 July 2010: Social Networking: how helpful should you be?
- 12 May 2010: Social profiles for staff - case studies
- 3 May 2010: Starting Innovation Processes in organizations
- 26 April 2010: KS for newcomers
- 14 March 2010: Social profiles, expert localisation, who's who tools
- 11 March 2010: Brown Bag Lunches
- 23 February 2010: Conference Impact analysis
- 23 February 2010: Knowledge Management Events
- 9 December 2009: Use of Yammer for internal organizational networking
- 20 October 2009: Institutional Memory and KM