KM4Dev Futures: Scenario Instances and Advocates

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This page augments those in KM4Dev Futures: scenarios expressing values, composition and organization, starting with what we see or remember. It's incorporating ideas from a meeting in The Hague

Observed instances of activity or events "inside" KM4Dev

3. Faceted Future

  • Example

4. Funded Future

  • Example

1. Current identity

  • Example

2. Focused Future

Looking more broadly, beyond current KM4Dev experience

Observed instances of activity or events "outside" KM4Dev

3. Faceted Future

  • Example

4. Funded Future

  • Example

1. Current identity

  • Example

2. Focused Future

  • Example

Asking for advocates to "speak for" a scenario and its logic

People willing to advocate

3. Faceted Future

  • Example

4. Funded Future

  • Example

1. Current identity

  • Example

2. Focused Future

  • Example