Francophone KM4DEV CoP discussion

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Basic information

  • When? Monday 5 October 2009
  • Where? Chant d'Oiseau [1], Brussels
  • Who? A maximum of 30 participants (limited room)

Objectives of the discussion

  • To explore the possibilities of setting up a Francophone CoP 'a la KM4DEV'
  • To identify volunteers to work on setting it up
  • To gather enough elements to prepare a proposal for funding

The sequence of the discussion

This discussion will really urge volunteers (and perhaps some other people that we know have something to say about such a francophone CoP) to come and share their ideas on such a Francophone CoP in terms of:

  • Scope of the CoP: same as global KM4DEV?
    • What services / products to develop? (community wiki, annual event, website etc.)
    • Focus on certain things to start with?
    • Promote IKM topics Y/N?
    • Relation with global KM4DEV (completely same branding but different language, partner, distinct etc. with bearings on governance, funding, organization of events, where to synthesise discussions etc.
  • Technical infrastructures: do we host a platform on the global KM4DEV CoP or a different system – what kind of tools do we want to use (bearing in mind that each system brings maintenance chores);
  • Roles and responsibilities (who will do what) as regards:
    • Setting up the CoP and inviting people to join, managing membership and other facilitation tasks that e.g. Lucie is taking care of;
    • Synthesising discussions and other content work as required – perhaps including translations of key topics/summaries to/from global CoP;
    • Maintaining the technical infrastructure (taking care of systems);
    • Fund raising for the future;
  • Funding: what plans for the future of this CoP?

At the end of that workshop we should have a plan to set up the mailing list and platform fairly soon, and some initial ideas to turn into a fundraising proposal to chase funding for this, perhaps together with KM4DEV.

Discussion report

On 5 October, a group of 17 people gathered to discuss the creation of a francophone KM4DEV community of practice. The full report of this discussion is available (in French) on:

After a short introduction, the participants brainstormed in groups about some key elements of setting up a community of practice:

  • expectations about the value of this group
  • products and services that could come out of it
  • facilitation of the group
  • existing networks that the francophone group could cooperate with
  • possible platforms to discuss, share documents and work together
  • funding options

In order to support the coordination, a core group was formed, consisting of: Binetou, Jocelyne, Raphael, Philippe, Ewen, Hervé.

Action planning

In the later part of the discussion, the participants established an action plan to get the group going:

Action Responsible Deadline
Find a name for the group Samir, Sophie October
Create DGroup Sophie October
Create wiki Lucie / Nancy October
Create a tag and account Peter October
Develop a Ning interface in French Lucie / Michael  ??
Feed the KS toolkit with resources in French Sophie, in consultation with Lucie, Gauri, Simone October...
Develop the glossary (EN-FR-ES) Sophie / Peter October...
Develop ToR for facilitator Lucie / Ewen November
Identify and contact potentially interested (funding) organisations Elisabeth, Jean-Pierre, Ewen - Sophie for peer-review November...
Identify potential funding sources Elisabeth, Jean-Pierre, Ewen - Sophie for peer-review November...
Develop a fund-raising document Elisabeth, Jean-Pierre, Ewen - Sophie for peer-review November...
Prepare the francophone issue of the KM4D journal Ewen, Sarah, Jocelyne, Elsbeth Jan. 2010
Identify opportunities to organise a face-to-face meeting (KM4DEV 2010 / KM4DEV West & Central Africa?) All  ??