KM4Dev Core Group Meeting - 2015-01-23
KM4Dev Futures Synthesis - Exploring Potential for Collaborative Events - Voluntary Contributions Mini-Project - KM4Dev Going Local - Responding to Community Feedback on Past Meetings - Any Other Business
KM4Dev Futures Synthesis No action so far by Pier Andrea Pirani who had voluntered to support the synthesis task. Riff Fullan will remind Pier
Exploring Potential for Collaborative Events Peter J Bury has emailed Kees at ILO about possible collaborative event. Ask Peter for update by email on this. Jasmin Suministrado can do this too. He will probably be best able to respond if has more information. Jasmin could call him to discuss. To start Jasmin can also look at events already being planned and share ideas with Core Group. For example ILO has a new KM Unit, not staffed fully yet, and they can be approached to generate support. Another informal Ksharing group who helped promote and attend the Swiss Think Table meeting at the ILO can also be approached again. Jaap Pels’ analysis of start of KM4Dev is to put some more pepper into the community by energising those working with larger organisations to organise KM4Dev events back to back with things they have planned. Riff reminds that we have good history to point to on this with the share fairs etc with FAO, IFAD, Bioversity, Deutches Institut fur Entwikkelungshilfe (DIE) Germany and that can be done without a formal MOU. Also an article coming out on the DIE experience. Jaap will start a discussion on the Dgroup list on the general idea. We can do all these suggested approaches in parallel
Voluntary Contributions Mini-Project Riff thinks we are 98% of the way there and we need to: Test the paypal link by putting it on a restricted Ning Page. Must be more than $1US to count. Jaap has created a test page but as yet it is only visible to him (text on page posted below). He’ll get us access. Jaap will get this done by end of week of 26 Jan with Peter. Jasmin, Riff and Melissa Bator will do a test once up. Ensure that we have the information we agreed on in terms of introducing the scheme on the relevant Ning Page that goes public Interface on the Paypal side once payment has been made we need to give recommendations to Riff to pass to his colleague on any text we’d want there. We need to ensure that at launch that Riff and colleague are both available to firefight, so coordinate with him before we go public
KM4Dev Going Local Nothing has happened with the App idea so far according to Jaap. Riff asks if maybe we could take this up in the context of a face to face. Someone could post this out to the community. Jaap will post a suggestion to the core group on this before it goes out to the whole list.
Responding to Community Feedback on Past Meetings Respond to Dilipsing Bayas. Carl has emailed him but not heard back, so will check that he’s got the message. Also Peter has invited him to be part of the Core Group but not heard so far
Any Other Business Carl Jackson has taken on Super Admin role under mentorship of Peter Next meeting of the core group. Carl will do a Doodle for February with help from Peter Peter suggests that when ready we should leak the Voluntary Donations page to philanthropic donors