Core Group Members
From KM4Dev Wiki
As of spring 2018, the KM4Dev Core Group consists of 13 volunteering community members that act as a steering committee. Core Group members contribute time and energy towards supporting the needs of the KM4Dev community and its members. Here are the Core Group's Terms of Reference (TORs) for Core Group Members, adopted in March 2012.
Occasionally the Core Group calls upon community members to consider joining the group as the need arises. You are most welcome to ask more information and express your interest to join! Contact us via contact[@]km4dev[dot]org or leave a comment in the box below. Current KM4Dev Core group members are:
- Sophie Alvarez (back 07/2017 from sabbatical in 2014), CIAT, Colombia
- Andreas Brandner (since 2016), KM_Associates, Austria
- Peter J. Bury (since 2008), #symmathesy, Italy
- Sarah Cummings (since 2016), ... Netherlands
- Charles Dhewa Knowledge Transfer Africa, Zimbabwe
- Helen Gillman (since 2016), IFAD, Italy
- Davide Piga UNFPA, South Africa
- Pier Andrea Pirani, (since 2014), Euforic Services, Malaysia
- Jasmin Suministrado, UNICEF, Switzerland
- Reza Salim (since 2014), BFES-Amader Gram, Bangladesh
- Rocio Sanz (since late 2017), Geneva
- Fitsum Tesfaye (since 2016), FAO, Italy
- Chris Zielinski (since Sept 2017), consultant, UK
We would like to acknowledge the contributions made by former Core group members (2004-2012):
- Virginie Aimard
- Barbara Collins
- Stephanie Colton
- Lilia Efimova
- Urs Karl Egger
- Julie Ferguson
- Sebastiao Ferreira
- Allison Hewlitt
- Sebastian Hoffmann
- Erik Johnson
- Josien Kapma
- Ron Kim
- Johan Lammers
- Lucie Lamoureux
- Ajit Maru
- Sibylla Noras
- Giulio Quaggiotto
- Ben Ramalingam
- Karen Schmidt
- Denise Senmartin
- Luca Servo
- Simone Staiger
- Marc Steinlin
- Vijaya Venkataraman
- Camilo Villa
- Barbara Weaver-Smith
- Nancy White, Full Circle Associates, USA