Melissa Bator

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About Melissa Bator

Currently, I am the Academic Coordinator for the Center for Information Technology & Society and the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. From 2011-2018 I acted as a participant observer within the KM4Dev Core Group. Below are preliminary findings from a survey I distributed to the membership of KM4Dev, July-October 2016.

Participation and Sub-group membership in KM4Dev

Preliminary Report from Survey of KM4Dev Membership July-October 2016

This report contains a data analysis of questions related to member participation patterns and member characteristics. Only concepts that I could answer with a single question are included in this report. The limited time between the survey end date and the Vienna face-to-face kept me from completing the more complex data scrutiny required of multi-measure concepts, such as satisfaction.

First, I present the descriptive statistics of the questions I report on. This will give you a general idea of how the people who answered the survey responded. For example, I will report the number of people who did not answer the question (i.e., missing), the number of valid responses (valid), the mean or average, and the standard deviation*. I will do this for questions relating to participation patterns and member characteristics.

Then, I will use the member characteristic data to compare member participation patterns. My hope is to show meaningful differences and similarities among different sets of members. For example, by comparing the means of members reported weekly time spent on KM4Dev, based on the part of the world where they live, we can examine how similar member participation rates are in Europe and Africa.

Please note, this survey was voluntary and approximately 5% of the KM4Dev membership completed the survey. It cannot be considered representative of KM4Dev as a whole. Instead, it may be better to think about this as a starting place to investigate how participation patterns may differ, then engage in a larger conversation with the membership to confirm findings/assumptions.

-Melissa Bator

Project Director

  • Standard deviation describes how different peoples’ responses are from the population. A low standard deviation indicates that the responses cluster closer to the mean, while a larger standard deviation signifies that responses are spread out over a wider range of values.

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Discussions started by Melissa Bator (1)

Discussions contributed by Melissa Bator (1)