KM4Dev Bloggers

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To add your blog to the list, go to your profile page and add your blog there.

Abby Clobridge
Antonella Pastore
Charles Dhewa
Dave Snowden
Denise Senmartin
Dilipsing Bayas
Endro Catur
Ewen Le Borgne
Gilles Mersadier
Howard Silverman examine the theory and practice of getting good at change.
Ian Thorpe
Johannes Schunter
John David Smith
Muktar Gadanya
Nadia von Holzen nods & dots I am writing about my personal reflections and observations on learning, creativity and change.
Nancy White
Patrick Lambe
Pete Cranstonhttp://euforicservices.comPier Andrea Pirani and I blog on our work at the intersection of Knowledge, Information, Digital Technology and Development
Petr Kosina
Roxanna Samii
Sarah Cummings

Also check out a manually compiled list of KM4Dev Bloggers. Most of them are yet to be imported in the new system:

Blogs by KM4Dev members

There are a number of KM4Dev members who blog - and blog about issues of interest to the community. Here is a list. Feel free to add yourself!

Blogs about development related topics

Feel free to add or make subcategories.

Blogs about development 2.0

Blogs about monitoring & evaluation and accountability

The very best of our blogs

In April 2011, we collected an overview of the best blog posts from KM4Dev folks. Here is the full compilation (also available on [1]):