This is the help section of the KM4Dev wiki. In these pages you will find instructions on how to navigate and edit content in this wiki.
How to find content
What is in this wiki (site map)
The KM4Dev wiki is a free space where KM4Dev members can add content without restraints. There is, however, an underlying general structure defined by sub-communities and specific categories of content on KM4Dev.
- See the Site Map with the list of sub-communities, projects, discussions, members' profiles and links to other key pages in this wiki.
Browsing and searching content
There are two ways to find content in this wiki: browsing and searching.
How to browse
You can browse pages using the tag cloud to drill down through the wiki's content, using topics, countries and other criteria as filters.
The tag cloud is currently available only for Discussions and Profiles.
- You can start browsing from this page: Tag Cloud.
- See the guidelines for using the tag cloud to find instructions about using the tag cloud.
How to search
To search in the text of this wiki's pages, there is a search box at the top-right of every page. You can also go to the Search Page.
- See the guidelines for using the search page for detailed instructions on how to use the search page.
How to add and edit content
Editing wikis in general
Wikis are quick to edit, but they do require a simple syntax for formatting. You can use the formatting buttons (found at the top of the editing window) while editing the document for basic formatting, or take advantage of the built-in rich editor.
- See the Quick Start Guide with editing basics to help get you started and a few formatting tips for making your wiki pages look nice if you want.
More resources for learning how to work with a wiki:
- TestPages - a place for you to play with the wiki - edit and see what happens!
- KM4Dev Cook Book- a fun exercise to get comfortable using a wiki.
- Wiki Tips en Espanol .
- Wiki Tip of the Day - well, not really a tip a day, but a place we will gather our tips during our wiki cook book play project!
- More Wiki Information - Links to resources about wikis in non profit and development work.
Editing special pages
Some kinds of pages in this wiki feature specific forms aimed to help you editing the page following a defined structure, so to make sure the page you are editing will be properly categorized and easy to find again. Forms also make it easier for you to edit pages, since they are designed to spare you from using wiki syntax, while guaranteeing a nice format for the resulting page.
Pages featuring dedicated forms are:
- Discussions
- Members' Profiles
How to edit Discussions
A section of this wiki is dedicated to host summaries for discussions run on the KM4Dev mailing list.
To add a summary of a discussion, simply go to the semantic form and follow the instructions.
There are some discussions that have been summarized on this wiki, but without using the semantic form. Discussions added without the form don't appear in the automatic list and cannot be searched by topics and countries.
Using the form makes it possible to find discussions based on all the semantic properties that are assigned to a page. This is because every field in the form represents a semantic property, such as "topic", "keyword, "region", "country", "contributor" and so on. Using forms has two main advantages:
- It guides people in compiling the discussion summary;
- It ensures that all semantic properties are properly assigned.
You can find a list of discussions that need to be re-added at this page. Feel free to prepare one or two! :)
How to edit Profiles
Members of KM4Dev can have personal pages on this wiki. Even if the main reference for profiles is the members portal on the KM4Dev website, personal pages on this wiki are aimed to offer an immediate way to see which discussions each member has contributed to.
How to upload files
You can upload files to this wiki from the Upload Page. Once you have uploaded a file to the wiki, you will probably want to link it in other pages, in order to make it easy to find.
- Go to the Upload Page.
- See instructions on how to upload files and link them in pages.
How to create an account
To join the community and edit pages, you will need to:
- Request an account - We have had problems with spammers on this wiki, so we have to approve new accounts. To request a wiki account, click on the link. In alternative, you can email Lucie Lamoureux at llamoureux AT (replace ' AT ' by '@'). Within a couple of days Lucie will send you an email with your account name and password.
- Come back to the wiki and log in: Look in the upper right hand corner of the page. Once you log in you will be able to edit and add pages.
Admin Manual
See the admin manual if you are a moderator on KM4dev Wiki.