Talk:Monitoring, Measuring and Evaluating KM

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Sarah Cummings, 2010/1/7

Dear All

I would like to point you in the direction of Ewen Le Borgne's blog post on "Monitoring knowledge management: an impossible task?" which reflects on the thorny question of M&E of KM which represents (and I quote) ....a series of tough choices in a maze of possibilities. It considers a possible spectrum of M&E, divided between linear, pragmatic and emergent approaches, and sketches the differences between them.

The post can be found at:

Think you will find it interesting.

Best wishes

Sarah Cummings

Roxanna Samii, 2010/1/8

This is great stuff! We are faced with a similar challenge and months ago I shared my frustration and challenge in a blogpost Ewen's blogpost is very timely. Any other pearls of wisdom? Ciao Roxy

Sarah Cummings, 2010/1/8

Nick Milton of Knoco has a very crisp, simple, overview video on Youtube:

I have a white paper which looks at detailed metrics in KM, but also tries to establish the symbiosis (and the different contexts of use) between quantitative metrics and qualitative metrics:

Matt Moore has an interesting piece which adds credibility/authority to the M&E mix (he comes at it from the ROI angle) which I think is interesting, because it then brings in the social capital angle. His earlier post today on his proposed presentation at Enterprise 2.0 conference promises to extend this thinking.

Le Borgne's blog is really interesting, and I see it as a promising prolegomenon for a framework to approach M&E. It's too complex right now, I think, but could be evolved into something quite powerful.


Patrick Lambe

Simon Hearn, 2010/1/7

Not sure if it is a pearl of wisdom or not but see attached for a presentation I gave on M&E of KM. It’s based on earlier thoughts that Ewen and I developed for the IKM-Emergent study. I’ll also paste a narrative summary below. Keep an eye out on The Giraffe blog for further updates about our work.

Cheers, Simon

Alain Berger, 2010/1/12

Hello KM4Dev colleagues,

It's really interesting to read all the answers and experiences already done everywhere! Let me talk about Ardans' experience.

From our point of view, we decided in 2002 to build a new technology able to answer to what you need when you are a knowledge engineer. In our language, Technology means method & tool. Starting with this point, we included in the scheme and our KM environment, the end user point of view.

Between the knowledge book of that period and the KM environment we implement today in our custumer daily working environment there is just continuity!

Even in great organisations, the "atomic team" means between 10 and 20 people. The knowledge has to be shared first in such teams and after with other services. But it's not only knowledge, it's also a way of working together, of working better together. It's a kind of philosophy where efficiency and collaboration is made of respect, humanity, humility and experience!

We don't want sharing terabytes of document, but to share the same word, to follow the good practice, at the right time! To understand what are the key points, how they have been implement inside the procedure, what are the possible results and so on.

And when a lot of chunks of knowledge have been collected, validated, approved, it is the time to think about managing the knowledge. How the knowledge's life-cycle will be hold by the organisation, what will be the indicators to follow up ... ?

So many subjects to deal with...

If you want to know what are the main specifications of our tool, you can read http://www.ardansfr/ardansKnowledgeMaker.html I know it's written in french... and our tool is multilingual!!!!

I hope that these few words will interest you, and I apologize that our technical whitepapers are mainly written in french...



PS. Ardans is an independant company created in 1999. Its clients are large organisations as well as SME's. Ardans technology has been adopted by PSA Peugeot Citroën, ArcelorMittal, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, EADS/Airbus, Mitsubishi Electric, Electricité de France, Diagnostica Stago, Dialog Services, SNCF, VeoliaWaters, Vinci, Zodiac and organisations ALTIR, Calydial, ... The next Ardans Users' Group Meeting, AUGM 2010, will take place in Paris, on April 1st!

Nancy White, 2010/2/17

Our own Ewen hosted a twitter chat yesterday for the #KMers group on monitoring, measuring and evaluating KM. This group is KM of any stripe - business, development, etc. And of course 140 characters does have its limits. But you might find the transcript interesting if you are wrestling with things like quantification of Km efforts!

Ewen Le Borgne, 2010/1/23

Dear all.

I just wanted to inform you all that next to the full chat transcript for the KMers chat (, I just summarised last week's KMers Twitter chat in a blog post: "What the

  • tweet* do we know (about monitoring/assessing KM):

Today there is another KMers' chat on the topic of KM and Google Wave. If you're interested tune in on: at 5pm UTC.

