Setting-up a regional-local KM4Dev Communities of Practice

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Title of Session

Setting-up a Regional/Local KM4Dev Communities of Practice


Wini Dagli, Department of Sociology,University of the Philippines


1. Chase Palmeri, IFAD 2. Ana Maria Ponce, telematics and communications consultant 3. Raphael Yimga Tatchi, SNV 4. Samir Bejaoui, IDLO 5. Speranza Ndege, CCNA 6. Ewen LeBorgne 7. Janet 8. Etna 9. James 10.Lucie Lamoureux

Key Discussion Points

The Open Space began with eight (8) participants and ended with 11, including two members from the KM4Dev Core Group, Ewen and Lucie. The participants came from different regions and countries such as Uganda, Rwanda, Niamey, Peru, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the Philippines. Many participants especially from Africa, Asia, and South America are interested to establish a KM4Dev CoP in their respective regions and localities while others have already begun setting up their own networks of KM practitioners.

The discussions were captured using a mind map, with a number of sub-topics extending from the major topic including (a) the need for a regional/local KM4D (why); (b) tools and approaches (how); (c) members of the CoP (who); (d) Funding; (e) Pulling Factor (unique features of the CoP); and (f) regional/local content.

Why setup a regional/local KM4D CoP?

• To make KM more responsive to the needs and realities of the groups/organizations that we are working with at the regional and country levels • There is a high demand for KM for development as shown by various KM initiatives that are currently being undertaken by different organizations • To link with established networks (including network of networks) of development practitioners who are interested to introduce KM to their work • To have more face-to-face meetings without too much cost involved (getting more participation in a f2f event) • Capacity development on KM tailored to regional/local organizations, programs, and communities without duplicating the efforts being done by the KM4D CoP at the global level • To take advantage of CoP as a framework for doing networking and knowledge sharing in an informal setting—something that is built on trust, shared interests and responsibilities, and friendship

How do you actually launch a CoP?

• The KM4D community in Rome started with 20-25 people. They had a ShareFair as a take off point, followed by a d-group (discussion group) which became a sub-dgroup of the Global KM4Dev. • Having a dedicated core group is very important. • The CoP should be able to identify the issues of high interest to the members. • The CoP can also begin by tapping development organizations or networks with existing KM programs/networks (mapping of networks and repository of regional/local knowledge as tools)

Who should be involved?

• People who share the same passion for KM, development, KM for development, KM tools, etc. • Networks, network of networks at various scales and organizations who are already doing KM

Content • Local knowledge • Balancing between global and regional/local development agenda • KM tools, approaches, and principles

Funding • Requires funding to support minimum organizational structure and governance • To package proposals for funding agencies to sponsor f2f events • High level of commitment from the core group to look for partner organizations Pulling Factor • Sharing and learning and being part of the CoP should be a strong incentive in itself • Development issues and knowledge needs should be interesting enough to drive the members to actively participate and contribute

The Open Space on Regional/Local KM4Dev was also fortunate to have Lucie Lamoureux in the discussion. She shared with the participants how KM4D managed to sustain itself over the years. She stressed on the importance of personal commitment of some individuals, keeping the CoP informal, introducing some structure as the CoP expands, adapting to the changes and possibilities, and having the supporters and funding agencies as part of the CoP and not as an external partner or merely a donor.

Additional Resources (if applicable)

KM communities inventorized by Stan Garfield (early 2018)