Open source software for Social Network Analysis

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Original Message

From: Jaap Pels, posted on 2008/11/12

Dear All,

I am looking for a recommendation on a:

  • user friendly
  • easy to learn for novices
  • strong visualisation possibilities
  • open software

packedge for SNA.

We are especially interested in track-changes / time series visualisation. Firts entry point for us is ToughGraph..... Please shoot.


All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:

Jaap Pels
Atanu Garai
Alan Alegre
Boris Jaeger
Rachel Cardone
James J. Tarrant
Ruy Cervantes
Baljit Grewal
Cai Kjaer
Johannes Schunter

Related Discussions


Detailed Description

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Examples in Application

[One or a few practical examples and references that illustrate the topic or show how it is done in practice]

Recommended Resources

[Links to publications, websites, contacts and general resources shared in the e-discussion]