Monitoring and Evaluation

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Title of Session

M&E of KM initiatives: How do we know if what we are doing is making any difference?


Natalie Campbell


Natalie Campbell, Grégoire Labhardt, Steff Deprez, Nadia von Holzen, Ewen Le Borgne, Damir Simunic

Key Discussion Points

This issue of measuring the Application of Knowledge keeps circling back, because it continues to be a challenge for all of us. We want to show progress within an organization for the users, for ourselves, for senior management buy in and for donor support. We shared ideas and experiences that have worked for us and others we know. Ultimately, one solution does not fit all, you must use a mix of methods depending on your situation. Start with specifics: What exactly do we want to know? Measure?

Measuring Output: # of visitors, participants etc

More challenging: Measuring Outcome?: Finding out what changed in your organization or you?

Possible methods to get at the measuring OUTCOME:

+ Storytelling Benchmarking tools - "8 Functions of a Learning Organization" Bruce Britton - good for sensitizing and understanding needs. Helps you develop a learning organization with guiding questions for discussion as a team. (Similar to the 5 competencies framework by ODI- Ben Ramalingan)

+ Self Assessments - every 6 moths - using an outcome journal

+ Outcome mapping and Progress markers - see resources "Learning Alliances" (Ewen)

+ "Think Table" = every 6 months - meeting of story telling and sharing of new knowledge use

+ 6 month progress reports - to legitimize KM

+ Informal ongoing reviews - every 6 months, inquiring if people are aligned with the mission and vision of the organization? and then redirecting depending on your findings.You can predict an outcome, and then measure in 6 months based on reflections of output. and then restrategize. (Steff)

+ Knowledge audit looking at methods and tools, culture/organization, and m&e for the following areas: location, capturing, using, creating, storage, and sharing.

+ Indicator issue: Usage After: Asking users after an intervention/meeting: was this useful? etc.

+ Anecdotes help.

+ Read Eva Schiffers blog

+ KM4DEV Community knowledge wiki – discussion on m&e

+ Customer/User survey after a meeting/intervention---usage after is an indicator –is there a reason for this?

Additional Resources (if applicable)