KM in Development Course

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The question came up on the email list - what online courses are available on KM in the context of development? Then the idea surfaced, what if we created our own?

For whom? Audience

- People looking to improve knowledge sharing and knowledge flow in their work - People looking to maximize opportunities for increased effectiveness and efficiency in their work - People who hold lots of meetings, run networks, work in partnerships - People who see a need for improved communication in their work teams

To accomplish what? Goals

By whom? Leadership

What would it look like? Structure


  • self paced learning module
  • community of practice
  • learning expedition
  • modular with key sub areas
  • Experiential learning where the tools used in class/workshop could be taken into the workplace.

What? Content

Supporting Organizations

Similar and Related Efforts

Master of Science (MSc) in ICTs for Development. INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND MANAGEMENT: Manchester University UK New course starting Sept 07. Not KM but may have aspects that are relevant.

The ICT4D Collective (Royal Holloway University of London) undertakes research and teaching on ICT4D, with a specific focus on eLearning. A new research project currently being conducted focuses on the development effect of knowledge management for development strategies. Outcomes will be shared on KM4Dev as they become available.

OP5440 The Open Polytechnic Certificate in Designing and Facilitating E-Learning, Level 5

The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand has launched a new online certificate to help education and training professionals develop capacity in eLearning. The Certificate in Designing and Facilitating eLearning programme blends adult and distance learning theory with a hands-on approach to facilitating learning online. It has been designed for educators working with adult distance learners. More information at:

Elements of KM skills are offered in an International Development context by: