KM4Dev Workshop - Cali, Colombia May 2010

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Our proposal

Meeting Concept


This concept paper proposes a KM4Dev meeting to take place in Cali, Colombia on May 27 and 28, 2010. It aims to encourage the participation of a large number of knowledge practitioners and request the resources needed to hold it. This year, the meeting is aimed at enhancing and reinforcing the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cluster of the KM4Dev network. We will be exploring the possibility of new joint initiatives, as well as the exchange of experiences with Knowledge Management principles, methodologies and techniques in LAC. The paper provides an overview of the global KM4Dev community, then it situates the knowledge sharing and information management trends and challenges in the LAC context. The document provides details about the objectives, the organizers, the requirements for participation, the budget and the programme.

Background and Context

The Knowledeg Management for Development (KM4Dev) Community

KM4Dev [1] is “a community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches, and who seek to share ideas and experiences in this domain” ( 2009). “The community traces its origins back to two face-to-face workshops held respectively in February and June 2000, hosted by the Benton Foundation (Washington, USA) and the Institute for Development Studies (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)” (Ferguson and Cummings, 2008).

Ten years after its launch, KM4Dev is a lively community of 900 members and continues to grow steadily. KM4Dev operates under the following set of principles:

  1. KM4Dev is an open and interactive community;
  2. KM4Dev stimulates the participation of organizations and individuals, men and women, academic and practitioners, from big and small organizations, from the South and from the North.
  3. The domain of KM4Dev is international development.

We share dozens of questions, answers and comments on a daily basis through an email list. We have a community web site, as well as a community knowledge wiki where we compile and document the different disucssion threads of the email list. A volunteer committee known as the “Core group” was created in 2004, and since then it is responsible of the governance of the network and of exploring its future possibilities.

In addition the community has close linkages to the KM4D Journal which focuses on issues related to knowledge management in the development sector. The journal has been in existence since 2005 and was initiated by KM4Dev community members who worked on a volunteer basis as chief editors. Since the beginning of 2009, this journal is published by Taylor and Francis, and will become a printed journal.

KM4Dev has been organizing international meetings on an annual basis, mainly in Europe (Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium) and Asia (The Philippines). In all our events an important effort was made to gather resources that allow us to sponsor participants from developing countries. In addition many informal get-togethers have been organized in locations like Rome, Washington, Den Haag, London. Regional knowledge management networks have emerged to allow exchanges in other languages, like SA-GE [2] for the Francophone community and SIWA [3] for LAC.

The engine of KM4Dev is the enthusiasm of its members. The committee responsible for organizing the meeting of KM4Dev in Cali in 2010 calls all members of the network to support this initiative. Dozens of KM4Devers are Latin Americans, work in organizations that operate in Latin America, or have connections with people who work in Latin America. The support of those members will be decisive to the success of the meeting in Cali.

Knowledge management in Latin America.

Traditional Knowledge Management and sharing approaches in Latin America and the Caribbean walk hand in hand with the very diverse visions of the world that different communities and cultures within our region have had throughout time. The Latin American region has a rich history of knowledge sharing and information management practices and proposals. Notable examples include the contributions of Paulo Freire, regarding the connection of learning with context relevant references; the popular educational methodologies, which have always placed local knowledge as a key resources or the Farmer to Farmer initiatives that value tacit knowledge so strongly. Most of these practices and proposals have not been considered part of the KM field since they don't necessarily share the same concepts or terminology.

In addition and throughout the last 10 years the Knowledge Management has been growing in Latin America and Caribbean and enriched with Nothern theoretical and practical influence due to the work of some international agencies, local organizations and consultants. However, the language and visions have been a barrier for connecting development professionals of Latin America and Caribbean with KM4Dev.

In 2008 the KM4D journal's editorial team decided to publish a special issue on Knowledge Management in Latin America and the Caribbean. There were some initial concerns regarding whether there would be enough contributions from the region and also great respect for the region's language diversity; hence, the Call for Papers specified that English, Spanish and Portuguese papers would all be considered. The number of abstracts and submissions received was so large, that it was necessary to organize the content in two special issues. However, it's interesting to note that almost all submissions were in English, even though Latin America is mainly a Spanish-speaking region, which made them very suitable for sharing internationally but rather less adequate for dissemination in the local context.

We can say that during the last 5 years, the interaction between Knowledge Management practitioners of Latin America and Caribbean and the KM4Dev community has increased, and now, we feel that it is time to carry out a meeting of KM4Dev in LAC.

Venue of the Meeting and linkages to the CGIAR-FAO Knowledge Fair

We are proposing to hold the KM4Dev meeting in Cali, Colombia, at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT [4]). During the same week and immediately before the proposed KM4Dev meeting, CIAT will host a Latin America and Caribbean Knowledge Fair [5] Tuesday May 25 through Thursday May 27, 2010. The ICT-KM Program [6] of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other international organizations will be organizing this 3-day event to promote and learn from 1) Good knowledge sharing practices with project teams, partners, communities, networks, and end users; 2) Good practices in making research processes and outputs accessible, available and applicable. The strong relationships between the Fair organizers and KM4Dev and the equally strong thematic connections led us to have those two events in a row. This will allow the KM4dev meeting to build on the outcomes of the Fair and achieve its objective of contributing to the development of a strong knowledge management for development movement in Latin America and Caribbean. _____________________


Ferguson J. and Cummings, S. (2008) Knowledge Management in Practice: The Case of International Development, in Knowledge Management: Research & Application. [7]


The organizers are The KM4Dev community at large throug an organizing committe composed by:

  • Simone Staiger (CIAT, Colombia) [8]
  • Ana Maria Ponce (consultant, Peru)
  • Camilo Villa (consultant, Netherlands)
  • Bertha Camacho (SKAT Foundation, Switzerland) [9]
  • Caridad Camacho (IRC, Netherlands) [10]
  • John Smith (CPsquare and Learning Alliances, Oregon USA) [11] and [12]
  • Kemly Camacho (Sula Batsu, Costa Rica) [13]
  • Margarita Salas (Sula Batsu, Costa Rica) [14]
  • Patrick Lambe, (Straits Knowledge, Singapore) [15]
  • Musuq Briceño (Mountain Forum Global Node & CONDESAN, Peru) [16]
  • Sebastiao M. Ferreira (MIT, USA) [17]

Through this proposal we are seeking additional co-organizers and funds.

Objectives and Participation

Overall Objective

Contribute to the development of a strong knowledge management for development movement in Latin America and Caribbean.

Specific objectives

  1. Identify, initiate, and foster collaborative relations and professional friendship among people who work with knowledge management for development in Latin America.
  2. Offer a space for collective learning and knowledge sharing among the participants (learning labs)
  3. Contribute to the creation/strengthening of a core group in the Spanish speaking community in KM4Dev.


Participation in the meeting is open to all those interested in KM for development. Specifically we invite all members of the KM4dev community as well as all KM practitioners with a specific interest in development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Particular attention will be devoted to bringing professionals who, in some way, are already using knowledge for development in Latin America from International NGOs, local NGOs, government, universities, and consultants.


This year the event will be connected to the above-mentioned CGIAR-FAO Knowledge Fair. During that event many cases and experiences will be shared among participants. This will enable the KM4Dev meeting to build on what precedes it and move the network to a higher degree of development. Therefore the programme will have two core threads. The first one will provide the space to strengthen the network itself and to identify new projects and collaborative actions within the region and beyond. The second one will provide a space to explore new techniques, methodologies and approaches to knowledge sharing and information management processes.

A characteristic of the KM4Dev is the recognition given to creativity and innovation. Using participatory techniques, such as Open Space, one part of the meeting will be consist of KM4Dev learning laboratories. These are spaces to explore new ways to enhance and promote knowledge sharing and information management processes that combine ICTs, participatory techniques, arts, theater and other approaches, both from the region and beyond. The open design makes some aspects of a KM4Dev meeting's value difficult to specify in advance. Because it is the meeting of a community of practice, the KM4Dev meeting agendas are built on those of previous meetings, they evolve in response to ongoing conversations in the community and in the organizing committee, and they are subject to critical review during the meeting itself. It is that very characteristic that makes them so very valuable. They always address the issues that are most relevant to participants at the very point in time when the meeting is held (not months previous) and at a level that directly addresses practice issues. This is regarded as essential in fields complex such as ours that are evolving rapidly.

It is sugested to organize the agenda around two main components:

  • Welcomes, get to know each other
  1. Process: Who we are, what we do, what we will do jointly (stories, networking, LAC KM network map)
  2. Content: Creative KM space (workshops, labs)
  • Closure, where do we go from here

Day One: Thursday, May 27

  • 2:00 – 4:00 PM Welcomes, get to know each other
  • 4.00 – 4.30 Break
  • 4:30 - 6:00 Process Part I: The Latin America and Caribbean KM Community: Who we are, what we do, what we will do jointly (KM stories and experiences, LAC KM network map)

Day Two: Friday, May 28

  • 8:30 - 11:00 Content: KM learning Labs (open space)
  • 11.00 – 11.30 Break
  • 11.30 – 1.00 Content: KM learning Labs (open space)
  • 1.00 – 2.30 Lunch
  • 2.30 – 4.00 Process Part II: The Latin America and Caribbean KM Community: (KM stories and experiences, LAC KM network map)
  • 4.00 – 4.30 Break
  • 4.30 – 6.00 Closure, where do we go from here


We are looking for funds to support the participation of 15 KM practitioners who have 1) a strong regional KM experience or 2) a strong potential to champion regional KM initiatives. The support to participants is estimated as a matching fund and should allow the participation in both events, Knowledge Fair and KM4dev meeting.

Stay at CIAT 5 night/4 days, including Meals: 650 USD

  • Flight from Europe: Estimated at USD 1,500. Total ticket plys stay: $2,150
  • Flight within LAC: Estimated at USD 900 Total ticket plus stay: $1,550

We suggest to support 15 participants at 1,200 USD each, which requires matching funds for each participants as follows:

  • European participants: USD 950
  • LAC participants: USD 350

15 participants at 1,200 = USD 18,000 Event Logistics (renting rooms, translation = 2,000

Total funds required: USD 20,000

Workshop Pre-Announcement

Pre-announcement: 2010 KM4Dev meeting in Colombia May 2010 - invitation to join organizing team

The KM4dev Core group has been discussing possibilities for 2010 KM4Dev meetings. While different locations have been explored in the context of funding opportunities, and interesting connected events, we have also discussed opportunities for making more out of the regional and linguistic diversity in the community.

Lucie Lamoureux summarized nicely that "KM4dev events come in all shapes and sizes (annual meetings, regional meetings, informal get-togethers, etc.) which is perfectly good, as long as the KM4dev domain/spirit/philosophy is respected. We encourage all models."

In this context I am very pleased to pre-announce in the name of the Core group the *2010 KM4Dev meeting that will take place in Cali, Colombia in the week of May, 24* in connection to a Latin America and Caribbean Knowledge Fair that will be organized by FAO, CGIAR and other partner organizations. More about the Knowledge Fair:

While I invite all of you to bookmark those dates in your agenda in the hope that you will be able to attend physically or virtually, I would also like to invite those of you who are interested in being part of the organizing team of the KM4Dev Cali event to email me very soon so that we can start to develop an initial meeting concept. From the KM4Dev core group we have the pleasure to count already with the support of Ana Maria Ponce, Camilo Villa, and Bertha Camacho.

I am very much looking forward to hear from Latin America and Caribbean KM4Dev members and any interested folks. If you have questions or specific interest in the Share Fair please do not hesitate to contact me.

Simone Staiger-Rivas s.staiger[at]

Comité organizador

  • Simone Staiger (CIAT, Colombia) s.staiger[at] skype:simonestaiger. Phone: +57 (2) 4450022

Trabajo en el área de gestión de conocimiento en el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical desde hace 10 años. En los últimos 6 anos mis actividades se enfocaron hacia el CGIAR (Grupo Consultivo sobre Investigación Agrícola Internacional) a través del programa ICT-KM del CGIAR. Ahora parte de mi trabajo será específicamente para el CIAT. Soy parte de KM4Dev desde hace 6 años. Hago parte del KM4Dev core Group y del comité editorial del Km4Dev journal. Participé en las reuniones de Km4Dev en Suiza 2005, UK 2006, Holanda 2007, y Portugal 2008.

  • Ana Maria Ponce (consultant, Peru) ponceanamaria80[at] -->

Soy consultora independiente sobre temas de ICT y telecomunicaciones. Trabaje en CIP desde sus inicios (1986)y luego como Coordinadora de InfoAndina y el Foro de Montanas en America Latina con CONDESAN desde sus inicios (1994-2005). Trabaje durante 3 anios en Nepal (2005-2008) como Directora Ejecutiva del Foro de Montanas (, red global de comunicacion para el desarrollo sostenible de montanas. Trabaje con Naciones Unidas en Kabul como consultora internacional. En el 2009 apoye a la Agencia Espacial del Peru CONIDA en la organizacion de un evento internacional coauspiciado por la UNOOSA (UN Outer Space Agency). Soy Miembro del Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru y Miembro del Comite Asesor de REDAR Peru, Red de Agroindustrias Rurales en el Peru). Soy parte de KM4Dev desde hace 3 años. Soy miembro del KM4Dev core Group desde 2009. Participé en las reuniones de Km4Dev en Brussels 2009. Puedo apoyar la reunion de KMDev en Cali con facilitacion en el evento presencial, y con mi tiempo para la planificacion de este evento. Necesitaria unos $1200 USD para el pasaje aereo y hospedaje.

  • Camilo Villa (consultant, Netherlands) k[at] : necesito apoyo con alojamiento y con unos US 800 para el tiquete aéreo
  • Bertha Camacho (SKAT Foundation, Switzerland) bertha.camacho[at]
  • Caridad Machin Camacho (IRC, Netherlands) Camacho[at]
  • John Smith (LearningAlliances, Oregon USA) john.smith[at]
  • Kemly Camacho (Sula Batsu, Costa Rica) kemly[at]
  • Margarita Salas (Sula Batsu, Costa Rica) margarita[at]
  • Patrick Lambe, (Straits Knowledge, Singapore) plambe[at]
  • Musuq Briceño (Mountain Forum Global Node & CONDESAN, Perú) musuq.briceno[at] [fondos propios]
  • Sebastiao Mendonça Ferreira (CoLab MIT, Boston USA), sebastiaomf[at] skype:sebastiaomf

He trabajado unos 10 años promoviendo gestion del conocimiento en Latino America, incluido Brasil: organizando e facilitando talleres, realizando seminarios conceptuales, diseñando y organizando ferias de conocimiento, y mapeando experiencias innovadoras en comunidades. En los ultimos 4 años estoy como fellow en el Community Innovators Lab (CoLab) en el MIT trabajando en métodos de co-creación de conocimientos y práctica reflexiva. Si necesario, puedo colaborar con la facilitacion de la feria del CIAT.

Concepto de la reunión


  • probablemente la feria del Conocimiento FAO-CGIAR y otros socios dura 2 ½ días del martes, 25 mayo – jueves, 27 mayo medio día.
  • La reunión KM4Dev podría durar día y medio. Si queremos usar el sábado hasta dos días y medio.
  • Pensábamos con el equipo organizador de la Feria hacer la transición entre Feria y reunión KM4Dev con hands-on sesssions on KS Tools and methods


  • Contribuir a crear una buena dinámica en gestion del conocimiento en LAC, con sus caracteristicas regionales y culturales
  • Conectarnos a la feria del conocimiento CGIAR-FAO y otros, organizado esta misma semana en el mismo sitio
  • Aprender de y compartir experiencias regionales.
  • Armar un laboratorio de aprendizaje [Camilo]

Posibles enfoques

ICTs4D; Conocimiento local; nuevas formas de extensión; gestión de conocimiento y salud/transporte.. o otro sector; redes; ningun enfoque especifico

Ideas para sesiones

  • Introducción de ejemplos sobresalientes. Casos de Estudios latinoamericanos en el tema(positive deviants)

Posibles formatos


  • Lograr un buen enfoque en los asuntos KM de LAC
  • Lograr atraer gente que trabaja en KM en LAC y que no están vinculados a KM4Dev hasta ahora.
  • Apoyar y desarollar el grupo de liderazgo para la comunidad KM4Dev hispano-parlante (SIWA)

Posibilidad de conseguir fondos

  • Para becas
  • Para logistica


  • Welcomes, get to know each other
  1. Process: Who we are, what we do, what we will do jointly (stories, networking, LAC KM network map)
  2. Content: Creative KM space (workshops,
  • Closure, where do we go from here

Day One: Thursday, May 27

  • 2:00 – 4:00 PM Welcomes, get to know each other
  • 4.00 – 4.30 Break
  • 4:30 - 6:00 Process Part I: The Latin America and Caribbean KM Community: Who we are, what we do, what we will do jointly (KM stories and experiences, LAC KM network map)

Day Two: Friday, May 28

  • 8:30 - 11:00 Content: KM learning Labs (open space)

How to share knowledge inside the organisation and facilitate collaboration (Caridad)

  • 11.00 – 11.30 Break
  • 11.30 – 1.00 Content: KM learning Labs (open space)

Blogs, a tool in KM

  • 1.00 – 2.30 Lunch
  • 2.30 – 4.00 Process Part II: The Latin America and Caribbean KM Community: (KM stories and experiences, LAC KM network map)
  • 4.00 – 4.30 Break
  • 4.30 – 6.00 Closure, where do we go from here

An article of ± 1000 words on the outcomes of the event

Who wants to work on what agenda point?


  • 10 February: Organizaing committee informed., Dgroup set up. Ning group set up within KM4Dev site, Km4Dev wiki page set up
  • Más o menos 18 Febrero: Llamada de grupo para discutir nota de concepto
  • 20 February: Concept agreed within org committee and shared with KM4dev list. Specific tasks assigned among org committee. Who: Org committee
  • 27 February: Outreach done to KM4Dev networks, and regional networks Who: Org committee
  • March: Finding funding, managing registrations, logistics, finetuning agenda


  • KM4Dev NING group: [18]
  • Dgroup. Url de la comunidad: [19]. Correo de la Comunidad: []
  • Event email: ?
  • Twitter #: #KM4Dev #KM4DevColombia2010
  • Flickr group:

Contactos Simone

  • Manuel Flury SDC
  • Beez Peter DEZA BZP
  • Johannes Schunter UNDP
  • all LAC based members of the KM4Dev NING community

Contacto Sebastiao

  • Joaquin Tres, IADB
  • Beat Rohr and Juan Manuel Salazar, UNDP
  • Maria Nelly Pavisich, World Bank
  • Monika Roper, GTZ Brazil
  • Martina Hetzel, DED Ecuador
  • Gustavo Dangelo, Arnaldo Bueso, Harold Rugama, CARE LAC
  • Peter Bishop, COSUDE Nicaragua

Contactos Ana Maria

  • ICIMOD - Mountain Forum Asia Pacific Membership (APMN)
  • Mountain Forum Global members through MF Event Calendar [20]
  • REDAR Peru - Red de Agroindustrias Rurales en Peru

Contactos Margarita

  • Maarten Boers, ICCO, Netherlands
  • José Manuel Valverde, HIVOS, Costa Rica
  • Comunidad SIWA
  • Foro de Líderes de telecentros en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Who wants to do what at the Fair (facilitation, interventions, hands-on sessions)

Sebastiao Ferreira

  • A conceptual introduction to KM, similar to what I have been doing with my clients in LAC. It can do it for the knowledge fair.
  • An exercise on "How to learn from practice: the role of disproving assumptions to reframe theories of practice." It can it do for KM4Dev meeting


  • How to share knowledge inside the organisation and facilitate collaboration (Facilitate)
  • Knowledge Management: how to 'KM' on national scale?

John Smith

  • Introduction to communities of practice
  • The role of technology steward

Margarita Salas

  • I'd like to do a session on connecting offline and online spaces and techniques for knowledge sharing.
  • I can also volunteer to facilitate sessions as well as hands on training for either knowledge sharing techniques, specific ICT tools or a combination of both.

Logística / presupuesto

Detailed Budget

For participants of Share Fair plus KM4Dev meeting

  • Day 1 (Arrival): Dinner / Snack
  • Día 2, 3, 4 and 5: Breakfast, Snack am, Lunch, Buffet dinner, Coffee and water available non stop, RoomBuffet
  • Day 6 (Departure): Breakfast
  • Total 5 nights - 4 days, single occupation with meals approx. 600 USD per person in single room
  • Total 5 nights - 4 days, double occupation with meals approx. 400 USD double occupation
  • Ticket from Europe: 1500 USD average
  • Transportation Cali airport CIAT: 80 USD from and to airport
  • Visa assistance: 25 USD
  • Cocktail for 60: 1800 USD

Meeting logistics

  • Meeting rooms: 4 rooms (capacity 80, 80, 40, 40), projector, sound and micros in one 80 people room, flipcharts, paper, markers, logistical support, 2 extra hours 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm: 465 USD Total
  • Translation: 2 translators per day. USD 1000 Total
  • 1500 USD: Total logistics plus translation per day

KM4Dev community survey

Link to the survey English [21] and Spanish [22]