KM4Dev Wiki 2.0 - Core Group feedback

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KM4Dev Wiki 2.0 - Core Group feedback

This document gathers elements of the new wiki to be reviewed by KM4Dev core members.
Feel free to comment in-line or send your feedback by email to

There are three main sections in this document:

  1. General review - list of edits/upgrades to the wiki to be commented and approved/edited/rejected. Useful questions to ask yourselves in dealing with these items: "Does this make sense?" "How would I make this better?"
  2. Descriptions, texts to be improved - a list of pages in which the text should be reviewed and possibly improved. You can edit these pag es directly on the wiki.
  3. Do we keep these pages? - a list of pages that are probably outdated.

General review ("does this make sense?" "how would you make this better?")

New structured help section: (highlight: check out various guidelines and see if they are clear enough)
New method for requesting/approving accounts (but we can keep old one too, i.e. emailing Lucie): how to request a new account - how to approve a new account.
Site Map: In an effort to re-organize contents, I came up with categories of content (e-discussions, members' profiles, projects) and sub-communities.
Side bar (shown on the left of each wiki page, with links to key pages in the wiki).
Profiles: “Members of KM4Dev can have personal pages on this wiki. Even if the main reference for profiles is the members portal on the KM4Dev website, personal pages on this wiki are aimed to offer an immediate way to see which E-Discussions each member has contributed to.” Question: do we need to add/remove fields? So far we have country, organization, position, twitter, blog. Since members profiles are already available on Ning, duplication issue should be kept into consideration. See the form for creating profiles (input - add profiles) and the tag cloud for profiles (output - search profiles) for further reference.

Descriptions, texts to be improved (2 broken links) (add brief introduction to E-Discussions) (any further disclaimer?) (empty page)

(this list is a work in progress)

Do we keep these pages?

(this list is a work in progress)