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Seattle Open Space Proposals

If you are interested in leading an Open Space session, please let us know here to help us all start thinking about juicy topics. You can also offer a session(s) on the spot in Seattle without prior notice. You can request a wiki account here.

‘Open Space is about ‘holding the space and kicking off the conversation and gathering notes/ideas’ rather than presenting to a topic’.

WE know some of you need clarity on your ability to "present" for your sponsor/organization. If you commit to offering an Open Space session, that is our equivalent of a "presentation." However, we remind you that there will be no PowerPoint facilities and the spirit of the gathering is participation vs straight "presentation." All in the spirit of knowledge sharing and learning. So plan accordingly!

Topics that I would like to raise/hope someone else would like to raise in Open Space at the 2013 Seattle Gathering[[1]]:

  • The intersection between KM/KS and Monitoring and Evaluation -
  • Value propositions for Communities of Practice - do we know what they are and are we attaining them? Nancy White
  • Making a hand made conference poster - Nancy White (day one for day two poster sessions!)
  • Two topics that I would like to discuss during the Open Space: 1) The meaning of evidence as in evidence-based policy: are we talking only about research evidence and, who decides on what is a legitimate source of evidence? 2) the engagement of non university organizations in the production and dissemination of knowledge: NGOs, think tanks and other civil society organizations: what are they doing? what is the impact of this work? When funded by donor agencies (sometimes as a substitute for support to university research), what are the implications for the higher education sector in that country? I would be interested in leading a session on one of these topics and would welcome the possibility of leading it with another participant. Denise Beaulieu
  • Tony Pryor, on the main KM4Dev list, suggested: I would LOVE to do something out there, not sure I would be best to talk about measurement thought, or at least to lead such a discussion. But I would be happy to talk about how we might begin to link our community with others, in a way which better connects what we do with the "mainstream". I don't think this would mean changing KM4Dev, but building on it in a way which allows us to improve our own impact. Any ideas, anyone? BTW, we might reach out to groups like Engineers Without Borders/Canada, and the CDA crowd (a la, if they aren't coming anyway.
  • How we get KM concepts and habits to be used and accepted by non-KM folk, and therefore use KM approaches to actually achieve impact. The really PRACTICAL stuff. Nancy and others
  • What is this group KM4Dev contributing to the aid system to make it closer to the people and their needs, to make it better, more effective, sustainable using (like entry) KM4Dev. Which small actions from KM4Dev (in the north) could help A LOT? - Tina (From afar) and Nancy. Tina has offered to write a paper from her spot in S. America and we could then blend w/ the F2F. nw
  • Sophie Treinen - Open Space on Experience capitalization or how to systematically learn from what we do in order to improve our practices and upscale the good ones.
  • The relationship factor in KM. What role do relationships play in knowledge sharing? How can we understand relationships? Are there good and bad relationships in terms of knowledge sharing and exchange? How do we recognise these and how are positive KS relationships fostered? - Philipp
  • New ways of framing/grounding/building out KM to best serve global health and development. --Tara Sullivan, JHU.CCP
  • How can we apply the Cynefin framework practically in our organizations? How do we determine which domain along the simple-complicated-complex-chaos spectrum we find ourselves in when tacking a specific knowledge challenge, and which KM tools work best in which domain? - Johannes Schunter
  • What makes a 'good' KM strategy or framework? We have spent almost a year at IFAD developing a new KM framework. We'd like to throw it in the ring for critical peer review. And we invite others to do the same - so we can compare and contrast. Helen Gillman, IFAD and Jurgen Hagmann, PICOTEAM
  • Games for KM - Ann Hendrix-Jenkins JHU CCP
  • Defining and measuring the impact of KM -- Tara Sullivan, JHU.CCP; Willow Gerber, MSH