General (for all focus group sessions)

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Questions we came up with (that apply to all participants)

  1. What is the mission/vision/purpose of your network?
  2. Is there an action plan to achieve it? What are you doing to achieve it?
  3. Did your network ever get off the ground?
  4. Are you satisfied with what you are learning from participating in the network?
  5. Are you able to apply it to your work?
  6. What is the composition of the TKN (e.g. mixed group? homogeneous? just FAO? just HQ?)
  7. How active is/was the discussion forum(s)? (if there is one - e.g. number of requests/questions within x time period)
  8. How would you describe the quality of the feedback or responses from members?
  9. Do you see a willingness to share information/knowledge? If not, what could be the deterrents, in your opinion?
  10. Are you aware if any of the knowledge shared is/was reused?
  11. How does the TKN relate to your regular work?
  12. How many members are there in your network?
  13. How many of them do you know personally?
  14. How would you describe the level of trust within the network?
  15. Do you meet face to face? How often?
  16. Do you communicate between meetings? How? (via email, phone, electronic discussion forums, wikis...?)
  17. Is the amount and quality of communication allowing you to deliver on the network's objectives?
  18. Do you have any ideas about improving the network? In what way?
  19. Does the facilitation stimulate member participation?
  20. What do you think would enhance more participation?
  21. How critical is facilitation to the operation of your network?
  22. How regularly do you report about your TKN to the management?
  23. Does management recognise the need for you to participate?
  24. When do you spend time on the network? (during office hours or outside of office hours)
  25. Was the provided solution (D-groups, Typo 3 Based platform) enough to meet your TKNs needs?
  26. Based on what you are currently using, what additional functionalities would be useful to the "better functioning" of your TKN?
  27. What is the budget and/or resources available to the TKN?
  28. Are there funds for activities other than facilitation/coordination?
  29. So far, do you feel there is value for the resources invested? Why/why not?
  30. What is the budget and/or resources available to the TKN?
  31. Are there funds for activities other than facilitation/coordination?
  32. Is there any evidence of reduction in days/hours needed to solve problems because of participation in the TKN?
  33. Is there any evidence of reduction of financial costs, travel, etc., due to TKN knowledge resources or shared knowledge?
  34. Have any innovative ideas come out of the group?
  35. Has there been transfer of "good practices" from one member to another?
  36. Has there been evidence of the adoption of "good practices" or innovations that came from the TKN?

Questions we will ask (in order of priority?)

  1. What is the mission/vision/purpose of your network? What are you doing to achieve it? Did your network ever get off the ground? Are you satisfied with what you are learning from participating in the network?
  2. Is there a clear corporate motivation for developing the network and if so, what is it? (suggested by Stephen)
  3. Do you see a willingness to share information/knowledge? If not, what could be the deterrents, in your opinion?
  4. How many members are there in your network? How many of them do you know personally?
  5. Do you meet face to face? How often?
  6. Do you communicate between meetings? How? (via email, phone, electronic discussion forums, wikis...?)
  7. Is the amount and quality of communication allowing you to deliver on the network's objectives?
  8. Does the facilitation stimulate member participation?
  9. How does the TKN relate to your regular work?
  10. Does management recognise the need for you to participate?
  11. Was the provided solution (D-groups, Typo 3 Based platform) enough to meet your TKNs needs? Based on what you are currently using, what additional functionalities would be useful to the "better functioning" of your TKN?
  12. Do you have any ideas about improving the network? In what way?
  13. What is the budget and/or resources available to the TKN?
  14. So far, do you feel there is value for the resources invested? Why/why not?
  15. Is there any evidence of reduction in days/hours needed to solve problems because of participation in the TKN?
  16. Is there any evidence of reduction of financial costs, travel, etc., due to TKN knowledge resources or shared knowledge?
  17. Have any innovative ideas come out of the group?
  18. Has there been transfer of "good practices" from one member to another?
  19. Has there been evidence of the adoption of "good practices" or innovations that came from the TKN?
