Experiences, impressions and initiatives

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Find a list of impressions and experiences from participants in relation to KM4DEV in general or to this particular event (Almada, June 2008). Below, find a list of (personal) action points and initiatives put forward by participants for follow-up.

(Back to KM4DEV 2008, Information for participants)

Thought and experience clouds

  • My ‘KM4DEV envy’ started here and lasted until I finally got a chance in Zeist ’07  (Riff)
  • Consultation is not participation  try harder
  • All it took for me to feel part of KM4DEV was a little F2F…
  • Informality encourages creativity – Play is good – Many people want to be helpful – Ravens don’t fly under water – it takes all sorts – Play is good;
  • 1. Open space method – 2. Do-monstration;
  • Complex systems  Every intervention has 100 (continuous) effects
  • KM4DEV com. is creative and artistic
  • Sharing 1) similar concerns 2) various dimensions 3) open space!
  • KM4DEV is flat – non-hierarchical;
  • Need for a theoretical framework / foundation KM4DEV;
  • Doledge for emergence of ideas;
  • Always communicate;
  • Chaos works;
  • Need to take (more) time to read and learn from each other;
  • New technologies but always thinking why;
  • We are more and for everywhere: diversity with one common goal;
  • KM4DEV resource network;
  • Similar challenges exist all over;
  • I have other skills beyond my professional expertise – there are audiences within audiences – Twitter may be useful after all – Cell phone applications are still the innovation target;
  • This is a rich community;
  • Learning about new developments;
  • Km4DEV gatherings attract new folks – I want to know why (what is the pattern?)
  • Groovy to be amongst KS proponents and doers;
  • The twit is coming and we still manage to listen;
  • Moving towards change;
  • Fun and intense;
  • Fun to learn (it is fun to learn and we need fun to learn better);
  • Knowledge networking for peace in South Asia;
  • I-phones are cool
  • There’s a whole world of knowledge management out there to continue discovering;
  • KM4DEV = great source of knowledge resource;
  • How to assess the KM needs of a community, evaluating health of CoPs;
  • BELLASAP open space booklet;
  • KM network – KS tools / strategies;
  • Listening to others – meet face to face – exchange experiences – analyse;
  • Links with professional humans working on same issues;
  • Everyone is an expert;
  • Be fearless to try and discover;
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Technology;
  • New KM (KM 2.0);
  • Live & love the Chaos;
  • Collective working with a touch of chaos can be relatively painless;
  • Energy and ideas really flow in a relaxed environment;
  • We are all working hard to go ONwards;
  • Vision – Streatgy is not action – stories;
  • Alternatives – networking – sharing. I hope we’ll create new networks;
  • KM people need to be tenacious;
  • KM4DEV regional platform;
  • Mobiles and their potential for us is changing faster than I can think;
  • What are the fewest minimum structures to put in place to enable learning and not stifle it.
  • Open works;
  • Warmth matters;
  • Use of wikis;
  • Wiki – new questions and priorities – Links;
  • Networks of real KM colleagues that are ready to help, learn and share from each other;
  • Intuitions are more shared than individual;
  • KS for KM for development – New ideas;
  • People – interests – friends – future – DEV – innovation;
  • Follow your guts! You are allowed to do what you enjoy!
  • Cultural exchange – professional exchange;
  • More Arts in our actions;
  • There is SUPPORT out there…
  • Humour / laughter 4 KM4DEV;
  • We must do more justice to reality, i.e. complexity;
  • The importance of KM in large institutions. SHARING;
  • Different ways to do things – We can make a difference.
  • All orgs seem to have trouble with the cultural change component of KM;
  • David made me an addict of sharing with KM4DEV (Manuel);
  • New methods of organizing F2F meeting;
  • How to participate more in the KM4DEV community;
  • Cultural change – Learning for change – User-driven;
  • There are few organizations that do KS + KM + ICT for others;
  • Balance social–ICT – More ways of sharing;
  • Impact & pitfalls of trying to change culture – Importance of process;
  • The rich potential learning partnerships right under my nose;
  • Connecting – sharing ideas! & Challenges = inspire
  • The future of KM4DEV might take place – It is worthwhile to plant a seed ;
  • Knowledge expedition;
  • You’ve touched my heart, I’m not alone;
  • Richness of dialogues and interactions were amazing! I need to time to digest and reflect on learning ;
  • Thank you to all the supportive people! Sarah, Nancy, Carl…
  • This really is an exceptional community of people;
  • Open space works;
  • Safety + support;
  • Open space works;
  • Community;
  • Open space methodology;
  • Need for a theoretical framework / foundation KM4DEV;
  • Distributed leadership;
  • Knowledge sharing – Learning alliance – Forging knowledge bridge.

Personal actions

  • To strengthen the ILO KS community to bring forward the existing impulse;
  • Start implementing creative KS games;
  • Learning about the process of culture change stories;
  • Non-active  participate (Danny)
  • Use more open space in workshops (drink less sangria) elsa;
  • KS curricula X LAC (Kemly);
  • Implement a wiki in CAFOD (James);
  • No need for a KM strategy;
  • Use people / know in KM4DEV better in professional learning partnerships (Bev);
  • Practice what I preach – more sharing (e.g. this meeting);
  • Share cultural change going on at institutional level (Vicky);
  • Knowledge sharing and forging a learning alliance (Dhurjati);
  • KM4DEV – Philippines (Kris);
  • Link up with Sybil on M&E / KS and PCM discussion – Process of Knowledge audit- Gauri – Add section on KS toolkit on the craft of storytelling – Add to exit interview techniques (PTO…) – Reflect on learning – Coordinate with KM HIV/AIDS group on specific activity to present at KM4DEV next year  (Taline);
  • The role of the private sector;
  • To create an approach to Words for change with …. & ….. (Carl Jackson);
  • How to transform traditional organizations in learning organizations (Artur)?
  • Apply Open space methodology to my work. How? I’ll be working on that!!!
  • Explore methods of e-learning;
  • Toolkit on processes;
  • Most significant change group (Rutti);
  • Use new methods for facilitation online and face-to-face;
  • Provide stories fro presentations by senior management;
  • Twittering events (Michael);
  • KS online;
  • Managing information and knowledge within a very large group;
  • Use and propagate open space format in TNG / KM / ETC (Vijaya);
  • Demonstrating impact of KS?L WG or M&E of KM (Sybil, Care);
  • M&E & KS (Kemly);
  • Link ICARDA to agrifeeds.org (Andrea);
  • To learn about and put into practice working with technology;
  • Raise Awareness about KS in my organization;
  • Visit ??? at the IDS only chalk
  • Motivate Southern partners  KM4DEV;
  • Share and document practices with ‘learning alliances or multi-stakeholder approaches. Project: learn to appreciate ‘local knowledge’ (Dorine);
  • Bring together or at least share better our (and others’) initiatives (Maarten);
  • Self-help group for poor, abused, exploited independent consultant (Marc);
  • Look further into how to incorporate more people from the South to KM4DEV (Denise);
  • Geneva lunch, Bern lunch, talk with management, do Wiki.