Education and Learning

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KS/KM in a changing development landscape: EduHuddle at KM4Dev 2009

Who EduHuddled?

Add your name here

  • Nancy White, Full Circle Associates nancyw at fullcirc dot com, Seattle, Washington, USA (convene)
  • Riff Fullan, Helvetas riff.fullan at, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Natalie Campbell, Management Sciences for Health,, Arlington, Virginia, USA
  • Virginie Aimard, UNUniversity
  • Anna Bertele, EuropeAid, Bruxelles
  • Lucie Lamoureux, KM4D Associates, Brussels
  • Lilia Efimova, Novay/mathemagenic, Netherlands (can help with facilitation if there is a need)
  • Michèle Marin, SDC, Switzerland;
  • Nadia von Holzen, EPER, Lausanne, Switzerland,
  • Karen Schmidt, Becota, schmidt at becota dot com, Berlin
  • Samir Bejaoui, IDLO (International Development Law Organization), Rome [1]
  • Ana Maria Ponce, HimalAndes, Peru
  • Pete Cranston
  • Christina Sette
  • Jocelyne
  • Speranza Ndege, Director, Open, Distance & e-Learning, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, visit:

EduHuddle Day One Break Out Conversations


  • Formal and informal learning

(Riff) I'm not sure which groups were eventually formed in the EduHuddle, but one covered training materials and delivery. Some interesting ideas coming out of that related to the need to think about training materials as only one part of a web of processes/relationships. I added a blog post on this to the km4dev ning site here:

  • Triangulation of learning in and out of the organization

(Riff) I believe it was this group which discussed the need to work in networked ways, to not rely on or even attempt to depend on having everything you need in the way of capacity within a single organisation. I only heard the report-back, but tried to capture some of it here:

  • role of technology
  • “Object centered networks” vs. “relationship networks”
  • We, as knowledge managers have the scanning and filtering role
  • Incentives ideas: – we are a channel for publishing partnerships/success stories

* Small grants for cross visits * Reflecting back to “broker’ with stories

  • Look at Networks both ways and consider leveraging existing external platforms people are using already: 1) hub and spoke (internal) and 2) triangulating - using internal AND external networks
  • Using external networks, like Blogs and Twitter: It's all about ‘recognition” – network participation is all about recognition

because people value – “reputation” and “identity”

  • Value in networks – if I contribute my training to a network – it raises my profile
  • Resources for Network stimulation/theory:
       *  The cognitive Edge
       *  The Art and Science of Story, David Snowden – theory of network stimulation
       *  Hidden Power of Social Networks:  Rob Cross
  • Ideas in some of these resources: Shine the light on good things, and dampen the light on bad things
  • Rewarding behavior in a network – goes back to identity. Is different than a group – which uses carrot/stick approach
  • Network stimulation – enabling condition, identity, visual value to participation
  • Show statistics to members on how outsiders are logging/clicking
  • Internal sharing can be more difficult
  • Issue of FEAR- perception of identity – everyone thinks of themselves on the periphery of knowledge, and not the core – but we all are core! We need to empower ourselves.

(see the following Flickr pictures of flipcharts

Content and Curriculum


EduHuddle Day Two Peer Assist Notes



Pre-Event Notes Some things floating about regarding the "Eduhuddle" - do we want a few focusing areas? (See the AgHuddle as an example)

Riff - Let me take a shot at categorizing some of the bullets:

  • 1) Learning culture/capacity (includes institutional contexts, processes for group learning, individual learning capacities)
  • 2) Learning curricula (courses, environments for delivery of training)
  • 3) Technologies for learning (esp. social media, but also video)

  • University 2.0 - impact on learning in development contexts
  • Cross over with the "social media" huddle
  • Formal--> informal learning
  • learning and "knowledge sharing"
  • developing institutional learning culture
  • learning artifacts - open resources, wikis, etc.
  • stories
  • capacity building around learning processes (e.g. production and use of stories in work contexts)
  • effective linking of learning and evaluation
  • Building a sense of 'community' within an international NGO
  • Productive creation and sharing of content across organizations, issues, etc.
  • Train4Dev Network (general introduction and/or success stories)
  • Competencies for taking charge of personal learning (formal+informal)
  • Share and learn, share to learn - learn to share within and across organisations
  • Learning across organisations - only a matter of individuals or what are measurable organisational benefits and potential sponsors?

What are the key challenges?

  • Lucie here: for me, the KM/KS capacity development curriculum issue. Allison (my trainer colleague) and I tend to develop context-specific training, using a lot of what we've done before in other training workshops and the resources out there (e.g. the KS toolkit). But the challenge is, we train people so they can in turn train their own country folks and they would like for us to hand over a fixed curriculum so they can translate it and use it in-country. We have a lot of experience in tailoring workshops to needs and contexts but they usually don't, which we think can limit the value of such curriculum. In January 2010, we are supposed to lead a curriculum development workshop with them so that they have a "product" to use to train... how can we develop something meaningful?
  • (Lilia) informal learning
    • Individual - taking charge for your own path, making choices on what, when and how to learn, dealing with fragmentation and multimembership, etc.
    • Learning professionals - creating conditions and infrastructures for informal learning + supporting individuals in the above
  • (Michèle)(Institutional)learning and "knowledge sharing": How to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding implicit knowledge from long-standing staff? How to draw institutionally relevant elements? How to distribute implicit knowledge within the organisation?
  • developing institutional learning culture: How to pave the way from an imposed institutional objective to a learning culture?
  • (Nadia): institutional learning - events (special) and culture (daily): How to keep the sharing drive and fire alive after inspiring KS events, workshops, Open Space sessions - especially in a world of change (financial pressure, reduced budgets etc.)? How to translate the exchange dynamic from KS events into an organisation's daily routine?
  • (Karen) How to initiate sustainable KS /KM initiatives (environments) within or accross organisations. Who are the stakeholders, promotors to be involved / engaged / satisfied? Who is in the driving seat in successful projects and what are limiting factors for success?
  • (Riff)
    • User-friendly ways of promoting KS and learning (e.g., narrative [plus video/audio]
    • 'Hard-wired' learning in institutions (e.g., policies and procedures as embedded learning, how to influence, how to link with ongoing learing, with M&E)

What are some stories of success?

What are the visions going forward?

Hi Guys, I want to Huddle! Im interested in how to build (internally) a sense of community in an international NGO so that people can and want to learn from each other across the globe. Also, what are some good ideas for steering the conversation and energy away from pure platform use to more capacity building for learning before people loose interest b/c its all technology focused?

Process Ideas for EduHuddle

  • Would members of this huddle be good "butterfly journalists" to spend a bit of time learning what other huddles are doing and role model some cross huddle learning?

Possible Outcomes of EduHuddle

  • Identification of people interested in education and learning in the KM4Dev community
  • Identification of where there is interesting/promising work ...