Discussion Report 8 Sophie Treinen - KM in low connectivity countries

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KM in low connectivity countries - Western Africa - working with local partners in gender and agriculture


  • Sophie Treinen - sophie.treinen[AT]fao.org


  • Karel Novotný - karel[AT]apc.org
  • Nathalie Campbell - campbell[AT]care.org
  • Denise Senmartin - dsenmartin[AT]iicd.org
  • Anne Badcock - anne[AT]aidsconsortium.org.uk
  • Caroo Torfs - caroo.torfs[AT]atol.be
  • Verele de Vreede - vdevreede[AT]waste.nl

Key Discussion Points


  • When starting a project, it is important to engage with the partners,clarifying what knowledge management means for everybody = common language use (also other words that other communities may use, for instance in some groups knowledge is called wisdom)
  • In a workshop in Niger, Atol and the organizations present have come up with "ACCES" to describe to different elements of knowledge:
    • A - Attitude
    • C - Compentence
    • C - Capacité (capacity in English)
    • E - Experience
    • S - Savoir (Knowledge in English)
  • It is also important to clarify the following:
    • What are the benefits of knowledge management for them?
    • What are valuable lessons learned?
    • What is sharing?

  • Tools used by Some participants:
    • ATOL in Congo- "speed sparring" also called "Face à face" - "Malenge Malenge"
    • A technique some peasants in the region of Kananga in DR Congo use now before the meeting starts. There is a 10 min session during which on participant is the “questioner and the other is the adviser – and then they change role. After 10 minutes the questioners change place and ask their (reformulated) question at the next person. After 10 minutes, they change place again. After these 3 times, they change roles: questioners become advisers and advisers become questioners. This technique enables each person to give his/ her opinion. ATOL found out that because of this technique more members of the peasant associations are coming to the meetings and even more women. Women may not talk during the meeting but their ideas and questions will be debated. For some more information (in French) see http://www.atol.be/port/kb/fr/kbstart.htm and then boîte d'outils.
    • ATOL and APC – video documentation in order to show the video to the group, later on the video is kept on cassette. This is a starting experience. Later the cassettes are shown to the peasants who are for several days together to discuss or to get some training, opportunity to discuss the content of the video.
    • Example of Hafkin Prize in 2001 given to Kazanka Comfort for video of stories of women taken in her neighbourhood Nigeria. (http://www.hrea.org/lists/huridocs-tech/markup/msg00655.html). This illustrates how local level got attention and had an impact on TV.
    • Regarding the re-use of video – UNESCO Community multimedia centres (CMC) as well as partners of telecentre.org offer the possibility of archiving videos and enable people to watch them.
    • CARE in Malawi - "Theme teams" for extensionists and project staff in the field
    • please explain
    • CARE "Knowledge fair" once a month to go back to the field and apply
    • please check - Once a month CARE country team staff meet in a knowledge fair to exchange experiences. When back in their project location, they share what they have learned with the other project staff and stakeholders
    • Cross visits
    • IICD in Ghana - http://www.iicd.org/countries/ghana GINKS – the Ghana Information Network for Knowledge Sharing. The focus of GINKS as a network is to use ICT as a tool for poverty alleviation by facilitating the work of network members and encouraging knowledge sharing on ICT for Development. The GINKS network is currently focusing on the health and agriculture sectors, with an emphasis on education and gender issues. [SMS on mobile not yet in place]
    • AIDS consortium in Kenya - Celle phone using a free hotline - please explain
    • WOUGNET in Uganda - use SMS to launch question on discussion forum
    • TOSTAN in Africa has methodologies on education, capacity building and health (gender focus)The person to contact to ask more about how they work is Gannon Gillespie at gannongillespie[at]tostan.org. Link: http://www.tostan.org/

Long version (23 min): http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=6585727846317414624&q=&hl=nl

    • Soap opera - feuilleton radiophonique in Latin America and South Africa (Soul City)