Discussion Report 12 Catherine Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Gauri Salokhe - Sustainability of KM Strategies

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Session Title

Ensuring Sustainability of KM Strategies

Name of Convenor

  • Catherine Vaillancourt-Laflamme Vaillencourt-Laflamm[at]ilo.org
  • Gauri Salokhe gauri.salokhe[at]fao.org


  • Nabeel Goheer goheer[at]ilo.org
  • James Moschant jmarchant[at]cafod.org.uk
  • Nadia Loumbeva nadejda_loumbeva[at]yahoo.co.uk
  • Meg Mottaz mottaz[at]ilo.org
  • Victoria (Vicky) Giroud-Castiella giroud[at]ilo.org
  • Ivan Kulis ik[at]ecdpm.org
  • Carla Alobia carla.alobia[at]gmail.com
  • Verele de Vreede vdevreede[at]waste.nl
  • Toby Smith
  • Uic Klabbers uic[at]netuni.nl
  • Barbara Collins Collins[at]ilo.org
  • Vincent Bagire Vincent[at]cipesa.org
  • Kumkum Kashiparekh kashiparekh[at]care.org
  • Sybil Chidiac schidiac[at]care.org
  • Paul Corney Paul.Corney[at]sparknow.net
  • Olivier Sagna olivier.sagna[at]codesria.sn
  • Marc Storms marc[at]infofluxo.com
  • Natalie Campbell campbell[at]care.org
  • Sophie Treinen sophie.treinen[at]fao.org

Key Discussion Points

  • Incorporating KS in job descriptions as well as in performance evaluation.
  • Getting a buy-in from the senior management, it is also not possible to ensure sustainability.
    • Present KM as part of our work achievements
    • Present to the Board for uy in
    • Get outsiders to tell them it is important (interorganizational discussions helps!!)
    • Get the senior team together, talk about (define) semantics and get them to understand and ask them what they want to do about KM . What are their priorities and then talk about barriers in the organization to trickling down to operational levels. They can list and rate the barriers. This can help prioritise issues in the Strategy.
    • Monthly seminar for everyone in the organization
  • Custodianship of the strategy is important for all departments in the organization.
  • A unit or dedicated team needs to be in place to "drive the process".
  • What are tasks of a KM "driver"/Managers?
    • Start getting people to think about target audience
    • Get the organizational change process going
    • Don't focus too much on ICTs (KS systems) but rather on ways of working (personal skills). The databases work but they must be integrated into the social process of the organization's way's of working.
    • Get user driven feedback on information/knowledge systems (for example, yellow pages) on why they are not using them.
    • Hold people by hand (!)and show them the tools and methods. This is an important role which cultivates interest and instigates changes in the ways of working.
    • Prepare materials to get them familiar with the tools (Use tools such as You Tube, Slide Share, etc.)
    • For the senior management, get anecdote/story telling sessions
  • Keep it very basic and simple to start with
  • Add KS in the jb description of people may help...
  • Create a ""marketing campaign" for the KS initiatives.

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