Cross-Domain Cooperation

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Who wants to huddle

Catherine Fisher; Elisabeth Bastemeijer Johannes Schunter

Ideas for cross-domain huddle


Development cooperation is in urgent need of critical reflection, new ideas and the joining of forces. Cooperation across the different domains of academia, practice and policy can contribute to comprehending the complexity of development and intervening effectively. Academic-practitioner collaboration for instance has enormous potential. Academic knowledge offers a broader conceptual understanding of the issues at hand. Practitioners’ knowledge and experiences provide new insights into which concrete initiatives best contribute to or fail in development practice. However, cooperation across domains is also challenging: it is not natural or easy.

Questions / Issues

The main question in this workshop is: how can we foster more structural cooperation between academics, practitioners, policy makers? Based on a reflection of recent developments and efforts in this field, we will jointly search for solutions.


Process for cross-domain huddle

Outcome of cross-domain huddle