30 January 2013 L&M Team call

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Present: Ewen, Simone, Willem.


  1. Update on activities and AARs?
  2. Monitoring the activities around the innovation fund?
  3. A review or our own L&M work?
  4. The consultant to bring it all together: any final view on this? See http://meetingwords.com/iMVpe44gul
  5. What about possible activities at the end of the IFAD grant period? An article for the KM4Dev journal about our experience?
  6. Travel plans and availability?

1. Update on activities and AARs:

  • Some of these AARs are available here: [1]. Ewen's done CT Lab (final check from the CT Lab team coming up but AAR 98% ready) and KS Toolkit update days with Melissa (finalised). Sophie has interviewed Ewen on the focused conversation. Melissa will contact Pete and Natalie on the SNA AAR later in February.
  • All members to share what they're working on in this respect and to report on the wiki in a similar fashion

2. Monitoring the activities around the innovation fund?

  • We will monitor (AAR) how the Innovation Fund worked as a mechanism but not the InnovationFund-ed activities. This work will be undertaken when the Innovation Fund is finalised.
  • Can you please mention if you would like to be involved in this later?

3. A review or our own L&M work?

  • Ewen will invite the core group to reflect on how the L&M group has performed - we won't be assessing ourselves (except perhaps briefly and informally in our final chat before this group gets dismantled).

4. The consultant to bring it all together: any final view on this? ToR available on [2]

  • Pragmatically it's better to renounce this and to basically organise a reflection about this otherwise: maybe first online with KM4Dev core group members - with the help of an external facilitator - and then face-to-face, with the help of an external facilitator.

5. What about possible activities at the end of the IFAD grant period? An article for the KM4Dev journal about our experience?

  • This group will stop its activities soon as the grant is coming to an end in March 2013 (even though that date shouldn't prevent anyone from working further on any of this work, L&M or otherwise).
  • Ewen suggests having a final discussion in February or March to stop activities in this group and to informally reflect on this experience.

6. Travel plans and availability?

  • Ewen will share a Doodle for a final chat.

Full Skype minutes:

  • [16:14:01] Ewen Le Borgne: http://wiki.km4dev.org/KM4Dev_Learning_and_Monitoring_2012-2013 and for documentation...
  • [16:14:07] Ewen Le Borgne: http://wiki.km4dev.org/Documenting_the_L%26M_work
  • [16:14:26] *** Group call ***
  • [16:18:30] Ewen Le Borgne: Simone has all the elements of info for the AAR on the focused convo.
  • [16:20:25] Ewen Le Borgne: Once this is finalised, it can be put on the wiki page http://wiki.km4dev.org/Documenting_the_L%26M_work
  • [16:20:54] Ewen Le Borgne: Simone, Nancy and Natalie mentioned that they would like to set up a KM4Dev event in Seattle in July.
  • [16:23:55] Ewen Le Borgne: - Update on activities and AARs?
    • - Monitoring the activities around the innovation fund?
    • - A review or our own L&M work?
    • - The consultant to bring it all together: any final view on this? http://meetingwords.com/iMVpe44gul
    • - What about possible activities at the end of the IFAD grant period? An article for the KM4Dev journal about our experience?
    • - Travel plans and availability?
  • [16:24:21] Ewen Le Borgne: On point 1, we need feedback from others in this group
  • [16:24:45] Ewen Le Borgne: Melissa will contact Pete and Natalie on the SNA AAR
  • [16:25:59] Ewen Le Borgne: Sophie has interviewed Ewen on the AAR about the other focused convo
  • [16:30:06] Ewen Le Borgne: 2. Monitoring innovation fund? Yes to the mechanism, no to monitoring individual funded activities
  • [16:30:23] Ewen Le Borgne: 3. A review or our own L&M work?
  • [16:30:35] Ewen Le Borgne: http://wiki.km4dev.org/KM4Dev_Learning_and_Monitoring_2012-2013
  • [16:32:05] Ewen Le Borgne: One of the challenges is to relate to the function of some of us in the core group and this L&M group
  • [16:32:39] Ewen Le Borgne: Perhaps we should have the core group deal with this instead.
  • [16:34:51] Ewen Le Borgne: It would be good to have the core group do an AAR about how our working group did this work - without involving Ewen, Sophie, Bertha (core group members)(
  • [16:35:00] Simone Staiger-Rivas: sounds good to me as well
  • [16:36:01] Ewen Le Borgne: [16:23] Ewen Le Borgne: <<< http://meetingwords.com/iMVpe44gul
  • [16:37:40] Simone Staiger-Rivas: Consultant to put together teh pieces
  • [16:37:51] Ewen Le Borgne: 4. About the consultant and the work to pull all the pieces together: Defer to the core group...
  • [16:39:09] Simone Staiger-Rivas: little strategic reflection on where km4dev should be going
  • [16:39:37] Simone Staiger-Rivas: needs to ahppen this year, mentioned in progress report (Riff)
  • [16:44:00] Ewen Le Borgne: There are differnet pieces in various reports - what does KM4Dev need to do to improve? Perhaps the best is to find a time to discuss this and who can prepare and orchestrate it?
  • [16:46:12] Simone Staiger-Rivas: should be a f2f meeting, core group and those involved in the project with IFAD
  • [16:47:28] Simone Staiger-Rivas: collective action works from time to time, but thinking about km4dev as a community doesn't really work
  • [16:48:33] Simone Staiger-Rivas: "it works anyhow"
  • [16:48:50] Simone Staiger-Rivas: we need an external facilitator
  • [16:50:03] Ewen Le Borgne: Someone that is not even on KM4Dev
  • [16:50:04] Simone Staiger-Rivas: share mail on km4dev if somebody wants to act as facilitator. Look further outside
  • [16:50:56] Ewen Le Borgne: Basically: Core group to discuss about this issue - what's most important to go forward now
  • [16:51:42] Simone Staiger-Rivas: end of grant March
  • [16:53:23] Ewen Le Borgne: This date is not too big a block though
  • [16:54:23] Ewen Le Borgne: 5. Any other L&M group activity?
  • [16:57:10] Ewen Le Borgne: (on 4. it would be good to have a face-to-face discussion on this)