John David Smith
From KM4Dev Wiki
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About John David Smith
Peripheral member of KM4Dev for many years. Technology Steward and community leader at CPsquare since 2002.
To know more about John David Smith, visit this member's profile page on
Discussions started by John David Smith (2)
- 17 January 2014: Pathways to involvement and leadership in KM4Dev
- 17 December 2013: What does the term "landscape of practices" evoke for you in your own KM4Dev work?
Discussions contributed by John David Smith (8)
- 3 February 2014: You and KM4Dev: Reflections on the past, present and future
- 17 January 2014: Pathways to involvement and leadership in KM4Dev
- 17 December 2013: What does the term "landscape of practices" evoke for you in your own KM4Dev work?
- 18 September 2013: KM4Dev newsletter
- 15 July 2010: Knowledge sharing amongst traditional weavers of East Nusa Tenggara: a myth or potential
- 23 February 2010: Conference Impact analysis
- 18 December 2009: Communities of practice and thematic networks in international development