KM4Dev newsletter
From KM4Dev Wiki
Original Message
From: Julian Goh, posted on 2013/09/18
a New Member.
I am an enthusiastic researcher in KM IC topics. May I know if we have a monthly or quarterly newsletter published by KM4DEV?
All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:
Nancy White
Simone Staiger-Rivas
Okey Nwoke
John David Smith
John Emeka Akude
Related Discussions
Discussing the value, contents, and production quandaries of organizing periodic newsletter for the KM4Dev community.
Suggested Newsletter Topics
- Summaries of key threads (done by those who raised the threads)
- Space for stories, profiles (would need to be generated)
- Ks toolkit corner, highlighting one tool
- Abstract of a recent km4dev journal article (chosen from journal)
- Announcements (taken from those shared on list and Ning)
- Links (taken from those shared on list and Ning)
- Reviving “old” topics already in Discussions
Newsletter Suggestions in the L&M 2013 report
(Culled by John Smith, 26 September 2013. See full report HERE)
- p4.: The core team and community should try to share conversations and increase its transparency even more, perhaps by means of a monthly update of the community conversations (inside the core and outside) in a very simple format.
- p5.: The principles, vision and values of the community should be made available on the wiki and on the Ning group – and reminded to all members (on the mailing list and on the Ning site) about these.
- p6.: Every selection process of the core group members should be shared transparently. Core group activities could be reported about in the monthly update about the community perhaps…
- p10.: And pulling information from conversations going on those platforms into the monthly mail-ing would be a very beneficial activity for the whole community to connect dots between the community technological platforms and assets.
- p22.: Overall recommendations (from respondents): Develop a simple monthly update on what is going on in the community.
Roles - "a team of 3-6 people would be ideal"
- editor
- chief editor who finalise the content what to publish
- assistant editor
- members / authors
Newsletter Sections
- KM4Dev Recap or KM4Dev Review - this is where a summary of discussions will be made.
- KM Member of the Month - In this section we will highlight a member of the community
- Resource Section - Of course we would have a better name but here we can discuss KM tools and resources being uses, have links to blogs, etc.
- Announcements
Production Issues
- happy to lead a section if others want to try it out…
- Should be quarterly because of the effort involved