Proposed agenda items for future Core Group meetings

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Proposed agenda points for a next core group meeting. Most recent proposals on top. Feel free to add!

Add your name and date to your proposal. And... please clean up any suggestions lower on the page that have become obsolete! Thanks :-)

Items to discuss

Items discussed in past meetings

  • 7 Dec 2012, Peter:
  • Funding KM4Dev: how to go about it (Pete, Peter, Johannes and …?)
  • Ewen on ToR consultancy and recruiting consultant
  • Innovation fund: outcome of monkey survey and final selection
  • (Ewen, July 21 2011, based on discussion April 2011) Criteria for the selection of steering group members;
  • (Ewen, July 21 2011, based on discussion April 2011) Exact arrangements on the buddying system in KM4Dev and recruiting new core group members
  • (Riff - June 2 2011) Steering committee for the IFAD project. We then need to figure out:
    • criteria/remuneration for SC members
    • process for identifying same
    • whether/how SC members could do project activities
  • Possible funding for the KM4Dev journal? (Ewen - 7 June 2011)

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