Workspace options in countries with poor infrastructure

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Original Message

From: Henrike Peichert, posted on 2009/02/12

Dear all,

I would be very grateful for some recommendations regarding the following:

I am tasked with exploring options for a Workspace model for a cross-regional UN programme that is (easily) accessible for staff around the globe, taking into account that some programme staff is located in national ministries (not in UN offices) in various developing countries with poor IT infrastructur (low bandwidth, etc.) . Previous attempts to introduce a Workspace for the programme were seriously hampered by connectivity issues (e.g. Sharepoint option didn't work, some people couldn't access sites etc.).

The Workspace model could be simple in design and preferably based on open source software. (The programme is already using a shared-drive and email-based networks for information and knowledge-sharing purposes).

I am very interested in learning whether there are experiences that have worked based on similar circumstances.

Looking forward to your replies.

Knowledge Management Specialist, UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Facility UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative Nairobi/Kenya.


All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:

Henrike Peichert
Joitske Hulsebosch
Jaap Pels

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