Tara Sullivan

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About Tara Sullivan

Tara Sullivan has nearly 20 years of experience working in international health and development with a focus on program evaluation, knowledge management (KM), reproductive health (RH) and quality of care. Dr. Sullivan has pioneered research in the area of understanding health program manager and provider knowledge needs at multiple levels of the health system (in India, Ethiopia, Malawi, Senegal, and Peru) and in applying user expressed needs to the development of knowledge management programs. Dr. Sullivan guest edited a Special Issue of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives titled “Meeting the Information Needs of Health Care Providers, Program Managers, and Policy Makers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” which highlights findings from this multi-country qualitative research. Dr. Sullivan has also bridged an acknowledged knowledge gap in the field of KM by developing conceptual frameworks to guide program design, implementation, and evaluation of KM programs. The Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Information Products and Services, first-authored by Dr. Sullivan, has become a widely used tool for global knowledge management programs. A revised version of this guide will be published in 2013 providing updated guidance on measuring the success of comprehensive KM programs. Dr. Sullivan is currently updating earlier published research articles on contraceptive method skew and contraceptive method mix. A faculty member of JHSPH, Dr. Sullivan co-Instructs the course: Knowledge Management for Public Health in Low and Middle Income Countries. She has led and managed teams in a variety of contexts. Prior to joining CCP, Dr. Sullivan was awarded a two-year University of Michigan Population Fellowship (2001-2003), where she served as the Reproductive Health Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator at the Mae Tao Clinic on the Thailand-Burma border.

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