KM4Dev Rome

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Important announcement

The KM4Dev Rome dGroup is closing down on November 2020 1st. This because KM4Dev as a whole is changing platform for its conversations. More will be announced soon. In case you read this much later, you may take the initiative to revive a KM4Dev Rome (or Italy) chapter via one of the current KM4Dev platforms. [announcement inserted by Peter J. Bury]

What is it?

Km4dev-Rome started in February 2009 as an outcome of the Share Fair event organized by Bioversity, CGIAR, FAO, IFAD and WFP in January of the same year. The presence of numerous international organizations and UN agencies in Rome and our respective work in the knowledge sharing for development area brought us to the conclusion that we would all benefit from such a local group of practitioners.

Please find below the summaries of the meetings that took place this year in the Italian capital.


  1. February 9, What about creating a regional KM practitioners group in Rome?
  2. March 18, A discussion about how choosing and getting prepared to work with a CMS?
  3. April 28, FAO knowledge networks review process
  4. June 5, KM4DEV Rome meets with Romana Benisch, UNIDO
  5. June 19, Brainstorming on a special event about online collaboration for international organizations
  6. September 25, KM4DEV Rome meets with Daan Boom, ICIMOD
  7. October 29, Knowledge Sharing: Getting Together to Do it Better


  1. February 3, Social Media in for-profit organizations
  2. June 3, KM4DEV Rome talking about Social Media in the WSIS 2010 See the post
  3. September 29, Meeting with Edgar Tan See the pictures
  4. November 9, KM4DEV Rome meets-up with the CGIAR ICT-KM team See the pictures

Interested in knowing more about the initiative?

You can follow us on Flickr.
We also have a Google calendar where we share KS-related events
For the Tweets, please join our Twitter list
A facebook group has also been created.
If you want to join our Dgroup, come and register.

Related Pages

KM4Dev Sub-Communities