KM4Dev GK3 Meeting

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  • Riff Fullan (Helvetas)
  • Grace
  • Erick Iriarte
  • Nancy White (Independent)
  • Prabu
  • Pete Cranston (Independent)
  • Guilio
  • Andrew (Helvetas)
  • Joachim
  • Eric Burg (LINGO)
  • Allison Hewlitt (Bellanet/IDRC)
  • Kemly Camacho (Sula Batsu)
  • Manuel Flury (SDC)
  • Michel Menou (Independent/Visiting Professor)
  • Margarita Salas (Sula Batsu)
  • Peter Ballantyne (Euphoric and Dgroups)
  • Ravi (Independent)
  • Carlos (ICT Consultant)


  • Bellanet in Ottawa has been hosting KM4Dev resources and has been the facilitator of the community since its inception
  • Based in IDRC in Ottawa, Canada but will no longer be hosted as of June 2008
  • over the past 2 months, Skat and Helvetas put together a proposal for support for KM4Dev (in cooperation with the core group)
  • proposal was recently submitted to SDC
  • SDC is considering the proposal
  • would like to give the opportunity to generate some ideas
  • we have a few potential new hosts identified to support the platform

The submitted proposal covered six components related to supporting the KM4Dev community:

  1. Facilitation
  2. Tapping into the full potential of KM4Dev workshops
  3. Updating and integrating the Internaet tools used by KM4Dev
  4. Creating knowledge outputs and crystallizing collected information
  5. Incubating emerging innovative ideas and initaitves
  6. Ensuring the long-term viability of the KM4D journal
  • no detailed dialogues with potential donors but considering approaching a number of donors such as DFID and Sida
  • KM4D journal champions, Sarah and Julie, have been in discussions with potential publishers

Other considerations

  • Models: What are other models for the network? Other entrepeneurial models to keep a diversity of funding and openness which is a quality of the network?
  • Research areas: Two directions of action research (which would require a research partner as many within the community are oriented towards research): # What does technology stewardship look like within networks? # How do we productively live/work in a multilingual environment?
  • KM4Dev in LAC?: What is happening in KM4Dev is very related to Bellanet? KM4Dev have chapters/people in other languages? Use the Bellanet's in the different regions
  • Sula Batsu's Experience of working on the KM4D journal has shown the interest in LAC. A discussion that is happening outside the KM4Dev community
  • Opportunity to connect KM4Dev with the people who are thinking about KS/KM
  • How to profit and connect with Sula Batsu's experience
  • What happens if we don't transfer in the next two weeks? It will be done in the new year.
  • What is the scope of the proposal financially? It is about making resources available so that members in the network could take on work. Actual dedicated person time is for facilitation, identifying technical requirement, funding KM4Dev workshop 2008 etc.
  • Links to Dgroups: Dgroups will also be moving outside IDRC. The links between Dgroups and KM4Dev should be further explored. 100s of people on Dgroups who are facilitators/administrators who could benefit from KM4Dev. It is a place for resources for them.
  • KM4Dev going to other communities: KM4Dev should be finding ways to get into other sectoral based communities. Something to what KM4Dev tried to do by taking part in GK3. Could look into groups like egov.
  • Revenue streams: Two practical ideas:
  1. A call for funding on the website? Very simplistic but no harm in trying
  2. Advertising?
  3. Panel of advisors that could offer services to government, private sector etc.
  4. Incubating projects: could get organisations to support project funding
  • Other ideas: Making the expertise more visible in the new website; Borels' take place in the Netherlands around events; getting around electronic only