KM4DEV Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
What is it? Who are we?
The Addis Ababa/Ethiopia KM4Dev group started off in January 2012, hosted at the International Livestock Research Institute and facilitated by Ewen Le Borgne. It brought together a group of NGO, research institute, university and independent people to establish together what they would like to do with a local KM4Dev network in Ethiopia and how they would like to interact. In that first meeting, the group decided to organise quarterly gatherings (and occasionally any other informal get-together) to discuss issues, present ideas and cases, run peer assist sessions and just meet each other.
The group comprises 54 members on the Ning group [1], 87 members on the Facebook group [2] as of May 2014, and at least 63 different people have taken part to one of the face-to-face gatherings as of May 2014. These members span governmental agencies, NGOs, international research institutes, universities, donor agencies and private companies or consultants.
What happened so far?
This presentation covers the rationale and identity of this group, as well as the progress made to date:
All gatherings have been documented - find summaries below:
- 26 January 2012: FIRST GET TOGETHER Who we are, what we focus on, which channels we use, how often we meet -
- 27 April 2012: What is KM, mapping ICT-KM projects in Ethiopia, introducing social media -
- 28 June 2012: ICT-KM project mapping, KM at IFPRI -
- 21 September 2012: blogs and blogging, engaging with farmers, KM at GIZ -
- 14 December 2012: peer assist on setting up an information system for climate change, KM and communication -
- 5 April 2013: KM at IPMS/LIVES, KM and communication -
- 21 June 2013: KM maturity model, Peer assist on how to get the Ethiopian Agricultural Portal up to speed -
- 18 October 2013: KM/Communication at ILRI, KM in the Productive Safety Net Programme (PNSP), Peer assist on addressing PNSP's KM challenges -
- 10 January 2014: KM in event management (an example from the private sector), Peer assist on a KM audit process and questionnaire within EIAR, brainstorming new conversation topics for future gatherings -
- 23 May 2014: Open Space leading to four different sessions: KM basics (and what is knowledge?), peer assist on moving from tacit to explicit knowledge, KM strategy and KM in organisations/Sharepoint pros & cons/ technology that works in Ethiopia. Notes at:
- 3 April 2015: After almost a year without gatherings we resumed our KM4Dev Ethiopia community gatherings on Friday 3 April. We looked at the above picture again and decided to zoom in on 'how to show the value of KM for public agencies'. The conversation started on this topic but focused overall more on the value of KM generally. See notes at:
- 26 June 2015: Lean Coffee to discuss three topics on how to strengthen and promote this network and on the value of one-stop-shops vs. using many social media platforms. Notes up at:
How to join and where / how is it happening?
Join our Ning group:
Join our conversations on our Facebook page:
Face-to-face gatherings are announced on both platforms but the Ning group is the surest way to be kept up-to-date.