Intranet Incentives

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Detailed Description

Question: What kind of strategies could be used or actions taken to induce staff to log into an intranet?

KM4Dev Discussions

Examples in Application

Related FAQs

Further Information

• The ABC of Intranet Learning (P. Chin) Practical tips on how best to introduce a new intranet in an organisation

• Keeping your content owners…content (P. Chin) How to make sure that there is a constant flow of quality content to your intranet

• 2 very good articles about “soft issues” in web design, and intranet design in particular

The human touch (E. Billings)

The art of being human (N. Usborne)

Original Author and Subsequent Contributors of this FAQ

Dates of First Creation and Further Revisions

First creation: Revision:

FAQ KM4Dev Source Materials