Ana Maria Ponce

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About Ana Maria Ponce

Dr. Ana María Ponce, Knowledge Management (KM) Expert

Electronic Engineer with a Ph.D. in Telematics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Budapest. Extensive project management, training, administrative and field experience in remote areas of all 5 continents.

Accomplished Director of development projects funded by national and international donor organizations (including UN), to alleviate poverty, deliver training and promote inclusiveness of people living in mountain areas through diverse communication means, including low-band conferencing systems. Internationally accredited among Pioneers in the use of Internet for rural development in Latin America. Significant experience in working in high risk conflict areas of Middle East, Asia, and Latin America (Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal and the Andean region).

Executive Director of the Mountain Forum Network ( Core Group Member the international network of specialists in Knowledge Management for Development ( Technical Advisory Committee Member for the Andean Network of Rural Agroindustry (REDAR).

To know more about Ana Maria Ponce, visit this member's profile page on

Discussions started by Ana Maria Ponce (1)

Discussions contributed by Ana Maria Ponce (2)