Amy Barbor
About Amy Barbor
I have worked for 15 years in development and human rights as a project manager, facilitator of participatory workshops and trainer of facilitators.
I have run participatory video projects in the UK and internationally since 2002 and facilitate Action Learning Sets. I am a member of the I am a fellow of the School of Social Entrepreneurs.
I co-founded Living Lens in 2006. We use creative projects, primarily video, with underrepresented groups to tell stories that give new perspectives and challenge the way we see ourselves and others.
Our projects build partnerships; create understanding, awareness and knowledge; open debate & discourse; generate the language of ‘we’ and of strengths rather than weaknesses.
We work mainly, though not exclusively, with women and girls who are under represented, socially excluded and disconnected. We also work with those who provide, or could provide, services for them. The women produce resources that the services can use to improve the quality of their work.
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