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KM and KS in General Monitoring and Evaluation About the KM4Dev Community General Development Topics Knowledge and International Development Communities and Networks Group Methods and Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Sharing Technologies Capacity Development
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Via David Gurteen's newsletter I heard that David Snowden was working on improving the wikipedia page on [ knowledge management]. I took a peek and thought it was a good effort and worth a) discussion and b) anyone with the ability and inclination to continue adding/improving. What I liked about it was that it offers a variety of perspectives on KM. Nice!
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=== Summary === ==== Detailed Description ==== [the meat of the topic – clearly, crisply communicated summary of the topic. Where relevant, a brief story – no more than 1-2 paragraphs - of how this topic has been turned into practice, ideally from the KM4Dev archives? If the example is long, separate into a separate subsection] ==== Examples in Application ==== [One or a few practical examples and references that illustrate the topic or show how it is done in practice] ==== Recommended Resources ==== * [ Knowledge Management]
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