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Theme: Voices (and images ?)

Participants: Russell Kerhoven, Roxanna Samii, Susie Prince, Lollie Mancey, Andrew Bartlett

Question(s): How can we make better use of our partners’ and beneficiaries’ experiences? How can we use innovative approaches to assist beneficiaries writing their own versions of the story, in their own words? (for what?)

Keywords: feedback, partnerships, learning loops, active listening, stakeholder analysis (this is mpre an approach than a keyword). Subjet-objet, purpose, respect. Metaphor... Framing the story, Nothern use of voices to show impact.

KS Approaches: Participatory video (documentation), participatory evaluations, innovation histories, learning alliances, ethnodrama

Additional notes from this discussion: Why are voices so important? The original framework assumes it is about tools, but its about method! How can we use innovative approaches to assisr beneficiaries? Let's ask them! (Are we exploiting them?) They must have ownership of their stories. Can this be doen? Is this still in our dictated / imposed framework? What is our/their engagement with our/their stories? Can we offer them the means to diseminate it? What should our role be? Whose voices (North/South) are interested in whom's agenda? How to engage with voices / stories? Keywords of this discussion: Purpose, legitimacy, accountability, metaphor, voices + images, context specific, partnerships, active listening, respect, subject / object, genuine dialogue, story framing, learning loops, feedback, reflexivity.