Social network analysis of an aid agency
Original Message
From: Ben Ramalingam, posted on 2009/10/08
Hi all,
Does anyone know of examples of social network analysis (SNA) being applied within an aid agency?
I have a number of examples of SNA being used in cross-organisational multi-stakeholder processes (disaster response in Mozambique, civil society networks in Ghana, INEE etc), and work I did myself on actor-focused network analysis in SDC, but I have seen nothing which formally uses SNA in a particular agency... I am particularly interested in getting my hands on a social network visualisation.
Any tips or suggestions very warmly recieved.
All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:
Ben Ramalingam
Rick Davies
Bakhtiar Ali
Giulio Quaggiotto
Valerie Brown
Reinier Battenberg
Barbara Fillip
Elizabeth Corley
Patti Anklam
Nancy White
Roxanna Samii
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