Social Media Policies

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Peter Casier asked a question on the KM4Dev mailing list about social media strategies which he summarized on his blog,

He gave permission to duplicate the response here:

I am preparing a set of trainings and workshops on social media for CGIAR. One of the topics covers is the social media strategy and policy for their different research centers and projects. So I asked my friends in the KM4Dev and Web2forDEV communities for examples and inspirational literature.

Here is the list of links I collected:

Social media guidelines

Large lists of social media policies from private companies, governmental institutions and nonprofits:

    • AltiMeter Group’s list

Generic info on social media policy: the need, and the how

On Social media strategies

Social media Return on Investment (ROI)

As social media policies and certainly strategies are closely linked to outcome, I also found some interesting links to social media ROI:

Side information

While I was researching the topic, I also found these interesting resources: