Self-assessment for online facilitation

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Original Message

From: Simon Hearn, posted on 2010/05/07

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has seen or used a self assessment tool for facilitators of online communities? I’m thinking of something along the lines of Nancy White’s 9 community orientations but developed into some form of competency framework a la the KM self assessment by Geoff Parcel and Chris Collison. But I wonder if this would adequately describe the role of the facilitator – or even whether that’s possible given the variation in purpose, domain and environment between different online communities.

Appreciate your thoughts.

Kind regards, Simon

Simon Hearn Research Officer Research and Policy in Development


All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:

Simon Hearn
Chris Burman
Geoff Parcell
Michael Norton

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