KM4Dev Netherlands
What is it?
KM4DEV in The Netherlands was started by a series of 'borrels' (drinks) organised by Peter Ballantyne and a few others in The Hague. After a few months of absence, in late 2009, a group of The Hague-based organisations (HIVOS, IICD, IRC, ISS, Oxfam-Novib, PSO and SNV) have decided to resume this idea and to host more 'borrels' on a regular basis. Although the mainstay has been The Hague this group is genuinely open to anyone in The Netherlands and Belgium. This group aims at creating opportunities to meet in person and to discuss KM/KS for development in an informal setting. However there will probably be some opportunities to discuss and perhaps experience with KM/KS tools and approaches for those interested during these borrels.
The borrels that are scheduled are the following:
- 22 January 2010 The borrel of all borrels
How to join us / find us?
For now we only have a Ning webpage for this group [1] and this wiki page, but we will think about organising a set of other platforms/tools to exchange more as and when required.