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* Action points from last team meeting * Update from KM4Dev Seattle meeting * '''KM4Dev strategy plan development''' (see minutes Core group meeting 15 April) []
=== Concerning Action points previous meeting === * Social Netowrk Analysis (SNA): '''ACTION: Lucie will ask Pete and Natalie and liaise with Riff + report at next core group meeting''' * Community Technology Lab (CTLab): '''ACTION: Someone from CTLab group to report activities at next core group meeting''' * Focused conversations: Ewen checked with Riff about focused conversations: we are free to pick topics and schedule for these. '''ACTION: Ewen to coordinate the focused conversations with core group and community members'''. * Learning & Monitoring (L&M): Sophie is taking care of L&M synthesis in conjunction with strategy plan development (see minutes below) * Innovation fund: African KM4Dev community week and M&E of KM totally finalised and documented. '''ACTION: Riff to ensure that activities from Innovation Fund completion get onto the wiki and report about this at next core group meeting''' * Global face to face meetings: ** '''ACTION: Lucie to ask Sophie T to report on SF Rome feedback'''. Sophie T was to send short questionnaire to funded participants from Rome ShareFair ** About other possible funded event back to back with Share Fair: Sophie T was to check possible options with Willem. Best options seemed to be the ICIMOD track in Nepal and the IFAD/IRC track in West Africa. The latter sounds difficult to organise. On the other hand, ICIMOD showed their interest in organising a meeting (a KM4Dev meeting apparently, not an IFAD share fair. This sounds like the most promising track. '''ACTION: Ana Maria to contact ICIMOD about getting in touch with IFAD to possibly organise that f2f KM meeting in Nepal using some funding from IFAD'''. And Jasmin and/or Ana Maria could contact Dan Boom for initial contacts and ideas for the ICIMOD track... Who from ICIMOD could be involved... Anja should be copied in at any rate - this decision is left to the discretion of Jasmin / Ana Maria. Other option: use funding to hire admin support and organise sponsorships for the Seattle meeting in July. '''ACTION: Lucie to ask Sophie to explore that plan B about Seattle track'''. === Seattle meeting === A discussion by the organising took place on 29 April. Another one is planned for 20 May. The event preps are going well and the event is breaking even with currently 30 registered participants. Very interesting participants coming from World Bank, UN, BMGF etc. . In the 29 April discussion, the following questions cropped up: * How would the core group like to be involved in this meeting? * How to address the concern that (particularly US?) participants are expecting to get something concrete out of the event, fed to them? We have to prepare a way to show that this will be an Open Space meeting where people walk their talk and bring what they want to. * Is there an option for online participation? We might want to strategize about how to leverage the meeting before, during and after...The organizing group can be more concrete about engaging virtual participants... * Any plans to engage participants before the event? > That's in the plans It's a question posed to the group, community or event - and we're trying to answer it: '''How much are we trying to get out of that event?''' Do we need to articulate the value of that meeting beforehand? perhaps we can find ways to answer that question, perhaps starting the meeting with that question and exploring what we do with our attendance to events. Instead of starting with a keynote, we could start the event with that question. Doing a very good exercise on exploring this question and our expectations about the meeting + develop a system to trace what people have in mind about their expectations would be great to address this question explicitly. From the start, this meeting needs to lay out principles of open space and levelling expectations etc. Asking participants about what they can share etc., gathering responses etc. before the event would be helpful... Before the event, a few questions that will be addressed during the Seattle meeting could be launched online (as focused conversations), particularly any of the sub-questions under the main exploratory questions of the meeting (those being "What is currently the role of knowledge management in international development? What have we learned about learning and knowledge sharing for development?"): * Has KM been mainstreamed in organizations? * What has knowledge management contributed to organizational change? * Or has KM within international development made such inroads that it is no longer necessary as a stand-alone domain? * What are the emerging KM tools, toys and their practices? What is cooking after Web 2.0 and social media? * What can we learn together and take back and apply to our work immediately? * What progress have we made in monitoring and evaluating our KM interventions? '''ACTION: Ewen to ask core group members and later community members to see if any interest to lead on any of these focused convos''' Lucie interested in this and could be supported by Sophie A. A core group meeting should take place with specific focus on the core group discussion planned for Seattle. We could also look back at Brussels meeting discussion on the future of KM4Dev. '''ACTION: Lucie will look into this and share insights'''. (post-meeting note) Lucie: "Hey folks, I was trying to find the noted from the 2009 Brussels Core group meeting (failed so far) but found this instead: John Smith convened a group on funding models for communities!" === Concerning KM4Dev strategy plan development === We have money for the strategy plan development... but not for the implementation. But we have to deliver the plan for IFAD anyway. This plan should build upon all the previous work and come up with a way forward / suggestions for a way forward for KM4Dev, bearing in mind that we don't have money and rely on volunteers. Realistically we can't even use much of the money for strategy development to jumpstart activities to implement. We can bring about some change without meaning more work or more money. We could come up with a 2-tier approach that responds to IFAD's expectations to have a nice strategy plan laid out and to our need for realism as to what we can do with existing (lack of) resources: * We identify some 'change areas' in the strategy plan * We identify activities to bring about some change in these areas with the current level of funding (none / all voluntary work) * But we also indicate, for each of these change areas, what other ideas we have that we could use if we had funding. A logical order to proceed is first to gather all insights from recent past work. And then we use these insights to inform the strategy plan. We propose that a consultant works on the synthesis of past efforts (based on existing ToRs developed by L&M group for this synthesis work) and another one works on new community strategy, possibly suggesting a funky business model... What we expect the strategy consultant to develop/deliver: * Process map to consult community (building upon Seattle meeting) * Strategy plan (document) itself, including fundraising strategy * Ensuring very close collaboration with insight/synthesis report lead person to inform each other's work Our first step is to '''draft terms of reference''' (ToR) for the synthesis report + strategy development. We propose using common ToR for both synthesis and strategy, but hire 2 people to take care of this work, one focusing primarily on the synthesis report and another one focusing primarily on the strategy development. Obviously both would have to work very closely with one another. Melissa is in principle interested in the synthesis part; she could comment the ToR about degree of realism and say if she's willing to implement. For the strategy part, John Smith or Ben Ramalingam have been identified as good candidates. Follow up: * '''ACTION: Sophie to get going with the ToR and share it with Melissa and all in this call (the ToR are already fairly complete for the synthesis part and have been reviewed by the core group before)''' * '''ACTION: Lucie to check with Nancy to find out if John's still ok about KM4Dev.''' * '''ACTION: Ewen to ask Carl to contact Ben Ramalingam for possible stand in...''' Whoever contacts Ben/John should explain this combination: e.g. both people working on this assignment but Melissa (or whoever will do this) would focus on the synthesis part and the other person would focus on the strategy part * '''ACTION: Ewen and Lucie happy to help Sophie with strategy part of the ToR''' '''ACTION: Ewen to work on the minutes of this call on the wiki''' ---- === Background information regarding this agenda and strategy plan development === (From meeting 15 April) ''All of the above activities will feed into the anticipated community strategy plan. Timing for completion of the strategy plan: October 2013. This timing is partly driven by the intention to hold a regional KM4Dev face-to-face meeting in July-August 2013, which will include discussions on the future of the communty. Following that meeting, a consultant will be identified to assemble a collaboratively created strategy for 2014-2015, which will include a funding strategy. Anticipated and budgeted costs: USD6,000. John D Smith might be one person to contact about community strategy: Melissa Bator could be a good person to synthesise the results of L&M+SNA+CTLAb (and she might be in Seattle for the meeting too.) Also could as Ben Ramalingam for suggestions on consultant for community strategy as he ran the successful ALNAP network. Charles also suggested crowdsourcing ideas on the KM Strategic Plan from among KM4Dev members. Development work is happening in the South while ideas are still largely from the North. Whoever coordinates the synthesis report AND whoever coordinates the strategy plan should work together (if they're not the same).We could also bring the strategy close to the synthesis meeting so that the synthesis speaks to the strategic activities? Perhaps we could bring the budget from both activities together (synthesis report and strategy)? Looking for a team would be good. We could park this until things get clearer with the synthesis report - and we could dedicate a core group meeting specifically to it. Action: Ewen will organise the next Core Group meeting to discuss this if it happens soon'' ==== Questions to tackle ==== * '''Who provides funding for the activities in the strategy plan?''' * '''How to pull in ideas from the community and from Southern members in particular?''' * '''What do we add to this plan?''' e.g. ** Rationale and where this comes in as part of the current plan? ** Evidence that informed our decisions (e.g. synthesis work based on L&M, SNA, CTLab) ** Visioning exercise: where do we want to be by 2020 and by 2015? How does this add value to the community? ** Set of activities and outputs + Monitoring / SMART indicators ** Overall support for this strategy: *** Governance *** Leadership (possibly combine with section on tech stewardship?) *** Infrastructure and tech stewardship ** Addressing risks and opportunities *** Sustainability (inherent risks and opportunities) *** Risks and opportunities related to related networks (inside and outside KM4Dev) and initiatives * '''Who can take care of this? John + Melissa?''' * '''How do we ensure the person in charge of strategy plan development and the person in charge of synthesis / consolidation report (from L&M, SNA, CTLab etc.) work with one another?''' * '''How do we connect this work with the KM4Dev face to face meeting in July?''' * '''How do we develop this in concrete plans. A suggestion:''' ** Identify someone to develop ToR ** Get synthesis report to inform this strategy ** Consult whole community on the basis of some key questions for areas to develop around small virtually facilitated conversations ** Consult community at Seattle event and hold core group meeting to shape up pathway in coming months. ** Develop first draft and invite comments ** Organise virtual meeting with everyone to work on this (and invite people to join core group) ** Organise virtual core group meeting to set plan in motion ** Finalise and share plan, identifying people to take care of different aspects and implement. === Items in the strategy plan === Plan developed, and includes SMART proposals for * Governance * Sustainability * Leadership and succession * Infrastructure * Building value for the community ---- === Full Skype notes === [30-Apr-13 14:12:15] Ewen Le Borgne: Hello all - just a reminder that in a little less than 2 hours (at the time of writing this) we'll be having a KM4Dev core group meeting. I don't have Jasmine's contact details so please add her to our chat when the time comes! Speak later and check the agenda on: [30-Apr-13 15:21:23] *** Ewen Le Borgne added Jasmin Suministrado *** [30-Apr-13 15:59:29] Ewen Le Borgne: Hello all (Jasmin & Melissa) We're go in a couple of minutes... Just waiting for Lucie and Sophie to join us perhaps? Ana will join us if she can [30-Apr-13 15:59:50] Melissa Bator: sounds good [30-Apr-13 16:00:08] Lucie Lamoureux: i am here [30-Apr-13 16:00:40] Ewen Le Borgne: Ok. Let me call you all and then Sophie will join us when she's around - hoping the connection will remain good [30-Apr-13 16:00:43] *** Group call *** [30-Apr-13 16:01:37] Ewen Le Borgne: [30-Apr-13 16:02:30] Ana Maria Ponce: hi there, [30-Apr-13 16:02:42] Lucie Lamoureux: i can do that [30-Apr-13 16:02:56] Ewen Le Borgne: Agenda: Action points from last team meeting KM4Dev strategy plan development (see minutes Core group meeting 15 April) [1] [30-Apr-13 16:02:59] Ana Maria Ponce: I am connected now, audio is not good [30-Apr-13 16:03:02] Melissa Bator: Report in from KM4Dev Seattle [30-Apr-13 16:03:40] Ewen Le Borgne: [30-Apr-13 16:04:07] Ewen Le Borgne: 1. Action points... [30-Apr-13 16:04:16] Ewen Le Borgne: LL to follow up with Riff and SNA grou [30-Apr-13 16:04:18] Ewen Le Borgne: p [30-Apr-13 16:05:10] Lucie Lamoureux: 2. Timeline flexibility - totally flexible [30-Apr-13 16:05:17] Ewen Le Borgne: ELB to get back to all focused convos ok [30-Apr-13 16:05:42] Lucie Lamoureux: topics - also flexible [30-Apr-13 16:06:25] Lucie Lamoureux: 3. Sophie - L &M [30-Apr-13 16:07:45] Ewen Le Borgne: 4. Innovation Fund: African community week and M&E of KM activities done [30-Apr-13 16:07:51] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Riff to follow up [30-Apr-13 16:07:57] Ewen Le Borgne: (Ewen to chase news on this) [30-Apr-13 16:09:28] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Lucie to ask Sophie Tto report on SF Rome feedback [30-Apr-13 16:10:36] Ewen Le Borgne: ICIMOD asked for their interest in organising a meeting (a KM4Dev one apparently, not an IFAD share fair) [30-Apr-13 16:12:49] Ewen Le Borgne: Willem looking into interest from IFAD Nepal - who were to ask ICIMOD about this. There is interest from ICIMOD to organise a f2f meeting on KM [30-Apr-13 16:12:52] Lucie Lamoureux: Dear all, I have contacted both Roxi and Willem. Roxi prefers to leave Willem handling the grant with KM4Dev. This is the summary of my conversation with Willem: No share fair planned this year for IFAD. If FAO has one in Western Africa, they will not be able to join as it will be too short notice for them to prepare well the teams in that region. Willem has contacted ICIMOD to check whether they would organize an event THIS YEAR (as money has to be spent this year). I should received an answer this week and he will let us know. Therefore, we can come up with proposals for either a meeting or an activity which would make good use of the budget line initially dedicated to the Share-Fair activity. I have also asked whether a feedback from sponsored participants would be something of interest to IFAD. This suggestion was well received, so I will come back to you for a few after action review questions to asked these people. I won’t be able join the next skype call, so please do not hesitate to ask any question before and please let me know what you decide. Best regards form Rome Sophie [30-Apr-13 16:15:50] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Ana Maria to contact ICIMOD about getting in touch with IFAD to possibly organise that f2f KM meeting in Nepal using some funding from IFAD... [30-Apr-13 16:17:50] Ewen Le Borgne: Other option: use funding for admin support and sponsorship for the Seattle meeting... [30-Apr-13 16:19:16] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Lucie to ask Sophie to explore that plan B about Seattle track [30-Apr-13 16:21:21] Ewen Le Borgne: And Jasmin and/or Ana Maria could contact Dan Boom for initial contacts and ideas for the ICIMOD track... Who from ICIMOD could be involved... Anja should be copied in at any rate - this decision is left to the discretion of Jasmin / Ana Maria [30-Apr-13 16:22:15] Ewen Le Borgne: II. Seattle meeting feedback [30-Apr-13 16:22:35] Ewen Le Borgne: How would the core group like to be involved in this meeting? [30-Apr-13 16:22:52] Ewen Le Borgne: Breaking event. 30 registered participants [30-Apr-13 16:23:07] Ewen Le Borgne: List of people very interesting with World Bank, UN, BMGF etc. present [30-Apr-13 16:23:52] Ewen Le Borgne: Concern that participants are expecting to get sthg out of the Share Fair... [30-Apr-13 16:24:22] Ewen Le Borgne: We have to prepare a way to show that this will be an Open Space meeting where people walk their talk and bring what they want to [30-Apr-13 16:25:01] Lucie Lamoureux: [30-Apr-13 16:25:09] Ewen Le Borgne: Option for online participation? [30-Apr-13 16:25:39] Ewen Le Borgne: (That would be great) [30-Apr-13 16:26:07] Ewen Le Borgne: We might want to strategize about how to leverage the meeting before, during and after... [30-Apr-13 16:27:05] Ewen Le Borgne: The organizing group can be more concrete about engaging virtual participants... [30-Apr-13 16:28:10] Ewen Le Borgne: It's a question posed to the group, community or event - and we're trying to answer it: How much are we trying to get out of that event? [30-Apr-13 16:28:50] Ewen Le Borgne: Do we need to articulate the value of that meeting beforehand? perhaps we can find ways to answer that question, perhaps starting the meeting with that question and exploring what we do with our attendance to events [30-Apr-13 16:29:16] Ewen Le Borgne: Perhaps starting with a keynote would be too traditional a way to start it [30-Apr-13 16:29:40] Lucie Lamoureux: No to keynote, yes to question _ Ewen [30-Apr-13 16:29:56] Lucie Lamoureux: clear expectations - Sophie [30-Apr-13 16:30:09] Ewen Le Borgne: Doing a very good exercise on exploring this question and our expectations about the meeting + develop a system to trace what people have in mind about their expectations [30-Apr-13 16:30:16] Ewen Le Borgne: Addreess this explicitly [30-Apr-13 16:30:56] Ewen Le Borgne: Any plans to engage participants before the event? > That's in the plans [30-Apr-13 16:31:34] Ewen Le Borgne: From the start, this meeting needs to lay out principles of open space and levelling expectations etc. [30-Apr-13 16:33:55] Ewen Le Borgne: Asking participants about what they can share etc., gathering responses etc. before the event would be helpful... [30-Apr-13 16:35:40] Lucie Lamoureux: trends in knowledge management. 15 years after the World Bank’s World Development Report stated that knowledge, not capital, is the key to sustained economic growth and improvements in human well-being. What is currently the role of knowledge management in international development? What have we learned about learning and knowledge sharing for development? Has KM been mainstreamed in organizations? What has knowledge management contributed to organizational change? Or has KM within international development made such inroads that it is no longer necessary as a stand-alone domain? What are the emerging KM tools, toys and their practices? What is cooking after Web 2.0 and social media? What can we learn together and take back and apply to our work immediately? What progress have we made in monitoring and evaluating our KM interventions? [30-Apr-13 16:36:02] Ewen Le Borgne: The questions for the event are quite large. There are sub-questions that could be used for focused conversations... [30-Apr-13 16:37:08] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Ewen to ask core group members and later community members to see if any interest to lead on any of these focused convos [30-Apr-13 16:37:33] Ewen Le Borgne: Lucie interested in this and could be supported by Sophie A [30-Apr-13 16:38:44] Ewen Le Borgne: And a core group meeting should take place with specific focus on the core group discussion planned for Seattle. [30-Apr-13 16:39:06] Ewen Le Borgne: We could look back at Brussels meeting discussion on the future of KM4Dev. [30-Apr-13 16:40:31] Ewen Le Borgne: III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY PLAN [30-Apr-13 16:41:17] Ewen Le Borgne: We have money for the strategy plan development... but not for the implementation [30-Apr-13 16:41:25] Ewen Le Borgne: What is the strategy plan going to look like? [30-Apr-13 16:41:49] Ewen Le Borgne: This plan should build upon all the previous work and come up with a way forward / suggestions for a way forward for KM4Dev, bearing in mind that we don't have money and rely on volunteers [30-Apr-13 16:42:32] Ewen Le Borgne: This is key if we have funding to go ahead with it [30-Apr-13 16:43:12] Ewen Le Borgne: E.g. monitoring plan doesn't work if no funding or if too many activities to take care of... [30-Apr-13 16:43:44] Ewen Le Borgne: Perhaps we can write the strategy, bearing in mind that one of the cores in the strategy is 'what we can change without meaning more work or more money' [30-Apr-13 16:45:09] Ewen Le Borgne: The plan has to be strategic about not suggesting anything that requires more work [30-Apr-13 16:45:58] Ewen Le Borgne: Perhaps we can come up with a 2-tier approach: a) with existing level (lack) of resources and b) with funding / how to find funding... [30-Apr-13 16:46:31] Ewen Le Borgne: Whoever develops the strategy should be constantly thinking about correcting course in relation with funding... [30-Apr-13 16:48:37] Ewen Le Borgne: Lots of ideas have been tossed for a funding model for KM4Dev... but a model doesn't really seem to come to the surface. [30-Apr-13 16:49:36] Ewen Le Borgne: We propose that a consultant works on the synthesis of past efforts (based on our ToRs) and another one works on new community strategy, possibly suggesting a funky business model... [30-Apr-13 16:50:18] Ewen Le Borgne: First step is to draft ToR ;) [30-Apr-13 16:50:47] Lucie Lamoureux: All of the above activities will feed into the anticipated community strategy plan. Timing for completion of the strategy plan: October 2013. This timing is partly driven by the intention to hold a regional KM4Dev face-to-face meeting in July-August 2013, which will include discussions on the future of the communty. Following that meeting, a consultant will be identified to assemble a collaboratively created strategy for 2014-2015, which will include a funding strategy. Anticipated and budgeted costs: USD6,000. [30-Apr-13 16:53:08] Ewen Le Borgne: Clearly: We need to respond to IFAD [30-Apr-13 16:53:19] Ewen Le Borgne: Great if this helps answer our own requirements too... [30-Apr-13 16:55:42] Ewen Le Borgne: A) We can justify to IFAD that we used the funding to develop many activities and came up with insights and have many ideas to take it forward in a nice new strategy but B) we can also retain a reality check about what we can realistically do with difficulty for finding funding etc. What little things can we do to improve our situation [30-Apr-13 16:56:22] Ewen Le Borgne: It might help the community to have a plan that can be implemented. The question is: is there a way to use a bit of the money to jumpstart the fund-raising part of the strategy plan... [30-Apr-13 16:56:56] Ewen Le Borgne: Who's going to raise the money? [30-Apr-13 16:58:50] Jasmin Suministrado: sorry have to go to another meeting now [30-Apr-13 16:58:57] Ewen Le Borgne: Thank you Jasmin! [30-Apr-13 16:59:11] Ewen Le Borgne: Sorry for the lag time with this meeting [30-Apr-13 16:59:21] Jasmin Suministrado: will check out the documentation later on [30-Apr-13 16:59:30] Ewen Le Borgne: (y) [30-Apr-13 16:59:31] Jasmin Suministrado: good luck!!!! [30-Apr-13 16:59:40] Jasmin Suministrado: very difficult discussion. ha! [30-Apr-13 16:59:57] Ewen Le Borgne: What's interesting is to use this startegy to take stock of where we're at [30-Apr-13 17:02:09] Lucie Lamoureux: identify areas of imporovement [30-Apr-13 17:02:18] Lucie Lamoureux: if we get funding - we can do more [30-Apr-13 17:02:48] Lucie Lamoureux: pragmatic [30-Apr-13 17:03:20] Lucie Lamoureux: give sense to IFAD - key areas of chage [30-Apr-13 17:03:26] Lucie Lamoureux: two levels [30-Apr-13 17:05:59] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Sophie to get going with the ToR and share it with Melissa and all [30-Apr-13 17:06:04] Ewen Le Borgne: Melissa in principle interested [30-Apr-13 17:06:25] Ewen Le Borgne: Melissa could comment the ToR about degree of realism and willingness to implement [30-Apr-13 17:06:33] Ewen Le Borgne: And all of us here to review ToR for final version [30-Apr-13 17:07:53] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Lucie to check with Nancy to find out if John's still ok about KM4Dev. [30-Apr-13 17:08:07] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Carl to contact Ben Ramalingam for possible stand in... [30-Apr-13 17:08:21] Ewen Le Borgne: (Ewen to contact Carl) [30-Apr-13 17:11:26] Ewen Le Borgne: What we expect the strategy consultant to develop/deliver: - Process map to consult community (building upon Seattle meeting) - Strategy plan (document) itself, including fundraising strategy - Ensuring very close collaboration with insight/synthesis report lead person to inform each other's work [30-Apr-13 17:13:44] Ana Maria Ponce: I agree [30-Apr-13 17:14:48] Ewen Le Borgne: Last call we said: "Whoever coordinates the synthesis report AND whoever coordinates the strategy plan should work together (if they're not the same).We could also bring the strategy close to the synthesis meeting so that the synthesis speaks to the strategic activities? Perhaps we could bring the budget from both activities together (synthesis report and strategy)? Looking for a team would be good." [30-Apr-13 17:16:41] Ewen Le Borgne: It would be great to have 2 people and one set of ToR [30-Apr-13 17:17:51] Ewen Le Borgne: There's more work in the strategy than in the synthesis [30-Apr-13 17:19:35] Ewen Le Borgne: And whoever contacts Ben/John should explain this combination: e.g. both people working on this assignment but Melissa (or whoever will do this) would focus on the synthesis part and the other person would focus on the strategy part [30-Apr-13 17:20:04] Ewen Le Borgne: But ToR would apply for both to work as a team [30-Apr-13 17:21:05] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Ewen and Lucie happy to help Sophie with strategy part of the ToR [30-Apr-13 17:21:21] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Ewen to work on the minutes of this call on the wiki [30-Apr-13 17:21:36] *** Call ended, duration 1:20:50 *** [30-Apr-13 17:41:22] Lucie Lamoureux: Hey folks, I was trying to find the noted from the 2009 Brussels Core group meeting (failed so far) but found this instead: John Smith convened a group on funding models for communities! [30-Apr-13 23:56:12] Melissa Bator: Just read the TORs. (thank you for writing that up Sophie) As it is written, the person who synthesizes should not have been involved in any IFAD funded activities. I think this disqualifies me since I have worked with the L&M group and I was at the Rome sharefair. I understand wanting a pair of fresh eyes on this material, but the institutional knowledge that comes along with being a part of these activities may be useful. Perhaps, this could be amended such that at least one of the consultants hired has no involvement in IFAD funded events?
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