KM4Dev 2016 Vienna meetings

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Knowledge for Development Week, 12-15 October 2016, Vienna, Austria


latest (post events) update 4 November 2016

For a visual reporting of the 12 - 15 October 2016 events [see this album].
On you may read and follow the #km4dev2016 tag.[#km4dev2016].

Be active and keep yourself up to date, join the dedicated KM4Dev2016 googlegroup Google forum Contact organizers


Seattle2.jpg KM4Dev2013 Seattle

On 14 October 2016, the KM4Dev community will receive the Knowledge Management Award, a prize which has been given since 2009 to outstanding pioneers in the field of KM and/or Knowledge Society. Knowledge Management Austria – as the managing body of the KM Award – has decided to honour the work of the KM4Dev-Community with the KM Award 2016. Here you can find more info on the KM Award. This is the first time that the KM Award has been given to a community – not to a single organisation or individual.

The award will be given to given to the KM4Dev community at the Global Knowledge for Development Summit on 14 October. As well as receiving the award, members of KM4Dev will be participating in the summit in many different ways. This will be followed by a KM4Dev meeting on 15 October. In addition, the Knowledge Cities World Summit will be taking place on 12-13 October, also focusing on knowledge for development. These three meetings will be described in more detail below in chronological order. The programme of the KM4Dev day is very much under construction and awaiting your input.

Programme of events 12-15 October 2016

Day 1 Wednesday | 9th Knowledge Cities World Summit (day 1) 'Advancing Knowledge for Development'


'United in Diversity' more than ever has become a motto for intelligently shaping the future. Knowledge is the best substrate to substantiate such claim. Vienna, rewarded as one of the most recognized knowledge cities, is proud and pleased to welcome knowledge citizens from all over the world to exchange their ideas on advancing knowledge for societal development from diverse cultural perspectives.

08:00 – 09:00 Arrival, welcome, registration and coffee desk 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome Address by the City of Vienna: Vice Mayor of Vienna (tbc) 09:15 – 10:45 Session 1: Knowledge Cities – Trends, Strategies and Concepts

  • Keynote: Knowledge Cities sustaining development efforts, Richard Knight
  • Keynote: The Next Generation of Knowledge Cities, Elias Carayannis (remote)
  • Knowledge Cities versus Smart Cities. Two sides of the same medal? Günter Koch

11:30 – 13:00 Session 2: Knowledge City Landscapes The development of a World Knowledge City, Andreas Brandner Urban development under the fiction of Knowledge City, Tan Yigitcanlar Knowledge Assets of a city and their visualisation, Javier Carillo The Evolution of Human Capital in the Knowledge Society, Peter Pawlowsky

Scientific Track: “Excursions Are Awesome!” – Mastering Interactive Pedagogy and Innovative Out-of-Classroom Learning Approaches Amidst Spatial Changes in a “Smart Nation”, K.S. Ning, T. Menkhoff, G. Pan, T.G. Hup Measuring the Capital Systems Categories: The perspective of an integrated value system of social life as perceived by young citizens, A.C. Fachinelli, C.P. Giacomello, F. Larentis, F.P. D'Arrigo Site selection according to life cycles in agglomeration areas: A dynamic and interdisciplinary location analysis of the four-country-region Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley, S. Güldenberg Knowledge, patents and social policy: What keeps Europe really together? Y. Kouli

14:00 – 15:30 Session 3: Knowledge Café: Partnerships of Knowledge Cities Topic laid out: „How to connect the Knowledge Cities across the globe?“ Impulses and facilitation by Javier Carillo, Andreas Brandner & Günter Koch with a lot of space to think, reflect and co-create.

Scientific Track: Educational Capstone Project Approaches to Create Entrepreneurial Innovators, Jeff Chin, Siddika Jaffer and Thomas Menkhoff Lessons Learnt From The Fashion Industry Clusters: Spontaneity Or Planning, Onur Mengi The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital for Driving Innovativeness, Aylin Gözalan, Peter Pawlowsky Viable Knowledge Systems – Applied Cybernetics to Knowledge-intensive Organizations, Omar Zermeno

16:00 – 17:30 Tribute to Debra Amidon (dec. 2016): Storytelling with Eunika Mercier-Laurent &Elisabeth Sundrum1

16:30 – 17:30 Session 4: Vienna Knowledge City: A model case for a Knowledge City Vienna´s Knowledge City profile and achievements so far, Andreas Brandner Vienna´s Knowledge City Strategy, Klemens Himpele (tbc) Perspectives for Vienna as a global knowledge leader, Gernot Blümel (tbc)

18:00 – 19:00 Most Admired Knowledge City – Award Ceremony 2016 Chaired by Blanca Garcia

19:00 – 22:00 Conference Gala Dinner

Day 2 Thursday | 9th Knowledge Cities World Summit (day 2) 'Advancing Knowledge for Development'


08:00 – 09:00 Arrival, welcome, registration and coffee desk

09:00 – 09:15 Welcome Address by the President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

09:15 – 10:45 Session 1: Knowledge Cities – Challenges, experiences and best practices (I) Knowledge needs and capacity building in developing cities, Eduardo Moreno Business Opportunities for Knowledge Service Providers in Africa, Kabir Kabo Usman Data Governance in the context of Knowledge City in Hong Kong and Helsinki, Waltraut Ritter Saudi-Arabian Knowledge City Initiative, Khalid M. Al-Sulaiman In parallel: Knowledge Management for Development KM at the United Nations, learning from the latest inspection: Petru Dimitriu, UNO, Geneva European Learning and Knowledge Development Strategy: Stefano Manservisi, DEVCO (tbc) KM and Development at Asian Development Bank, Bambang Susantono (tbc) The Knowledge Management Framework and Strategy of IFAD, Helen Maree Gillman and Jurgen Hagman

11:30 – 13:00 Session 2: Knowledge Cities – Challenges, experiences and best practices (II) Monterrey as a Knowledge City, Blanca Garcia, Mexico Knowledge City of Arequipa, Glenn Arce and Wendy Ugarte Mejia, Peru Tehran – A Knowledge Needs Assessment, A. Sabourtinat, Iran Rio Grande do Sul´s experiences as a Knowledge City, Ana Cristina Fachinelli, Brasil

In parallel: Knowledge Camp – KM4Dev Advancing KM for Development – facilitated by the core team of Plenty of ideas coming – more or less – spontaneously from the participants, being presented and discussed and further developed in the group.

14:00 – 15:30 Session 3: Knowledge Ecosystems in developing countries – Knowledge Café Topic laid out: „How to strengthen the Knowledge Ecosystems in developing countries?“ Impulses and facilitation by the core team of with plenty of space to think, discuss, reflect, and co-create.

Scientific Track: Critical discourse analysis of perspectives on the knowledge society within the Sustainable Development Goals, Sarah Cummings, Barbara Regeer, Leah de Haan and Joske Bunders Place Management Of A Creative City: The Case Of Izmir, Bahar Durmaz, Onur Mengi, Koray Velibeyoğlu, Ceylan Öner A study on knowledge citizenship and personality of the cities in southern Brazil: a knowledge-based development perspective, D. Nespolo, V.M. Monteiro Fortes, A.C. Fachinelli, Gabriel Sperandio Milan, Maria Emilia Camargo ICT-use variables and knowledge-based European cities, J. –L.A. Navarro, V. –R. López Ruiz, D. N. Peña

16:00 – 17:30 Session 4: Knowledge Ecosystems in thematic fields Climate Knowledge: The Climate Knowledge Partnership, Florian Bauer Water Knowledge: European Innovation Partnership on Water, Thomas Dvorak Health Knowledge: The Health Knowledge Strategy for Ethiopia, Chris Zielinski

In parallel: Knowledge Cities: Challenges, experiences and best practices (III) Knowledge Cities in Developing Countries: Mohammad Hazansadeh, Teheran The future world business: The role of Knowledge Cities, Jebamalai Vinanchiarachi, India Global Knowledge-based Development Community Workshop, Javier Carillo 17:30 – 18:00 Conclusions:by Tan Yigitcannlar, Javier Carillo, Günter Koch and Andreas Brandner 18:00 (official) End of Conference

Registration for the 2 day Cities Summit and contact

Academics 400EUR Students 250 EUR Professionals and Consultants 550 EUR

  • The registration fee includes admission to all sessions, PhD Consortium, Welcome Reception, Conference Gala Dinner, Coffee-breaks and lunches.

You can register on Eventbrite for either days or both here

Information and contact Knowledge Cities World Summit 2016 Knowledge Management Austria E-Mail: Phone: +43.1.4702909 Website:

Day 3 Friday | The Global Knowledge for Development Summit


Knowledge represents an indispensable asset to individuals, enterprises and governments alike devoted to the cause of human advancement. The Knowledge for Development Community is at the forefront of a movement that seeks to boost international development by making the best use of the plethora of knowledge and creativity available to societies around the world.
We find ourselves at a momentous crossroads with regard to the future of international development work. In light of the new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), knowledge must be a priority on the global community’s stated development agenda going forward. The global Knowledge for Development Community is looking to get to the very heart of these questions and to conceive a set of Knowledge Development Goals (KDGs) for the year 2030. Leading figures in the field of development will be invited to share their visions and ambitions to co-create and collectively constitute these Knowledge Development Goals and an Agenda Knowledge for Development. Based on this preliminary, groundbreaking work, a conference in October 2016 will give opportunity to present, reflect, discuss and deepen the draft Knowledge Development Goals and the Agenda Knowledge for Development. Representatives from governments, international organisations, NGOs, multilateral finance institutions, industry and academia will meet to form a living and breathing community of knowledge, following up on and promoting the achievement of the Knowledge Development Goals.
The aim of this endeavour is to generate and synthesise the visions for future Knowledge Societies and to sharpen Knowledge Development Goals and a Knowledge Agenda. The diversity of backgrounds amongst the partners shall reflect the heterogeneity of different knowledge identities and cultures. Partners. We are inviting 50 leading personalities from international organisations, governments, NGOs, industry and academia to contribute a statement to the Agenda Knowledge for Development. Additionally to these we invite individuals from all over the world to contribute statements and positions to this global agenda. Among those 50 leaders who have been invited are: Sebastian Kurz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Austria Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia and Chair Emeritus of the Wikimedia Foundation Bill Gates, President of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Founder of Microsoft Javier Carrillo, President of the World Capital Institute
The KDGs we define and the agenda we are setting in the context of this undertaking are in no way binding on the UN, governments, organisations or any other body. Nevertheless, it is our aim to raise awareness, to foster collaboration and to provide inspiration and orientation to those responsible in their societies to promote knowledge for development.

The current programme comprises:

08:00 – 09:00 Arrival, welcome, registration and coffee desk 09:00 – 09:30 Keynote address: Sebastian Kurz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Austria 09:30 – 10:00 Keynote address: Irina Bokowa, Director General of UNESCO (tbc) 10:00 – 10:30 Knowledge Development Goals: Andreas Brandner Presentation of the Knowledge Development Goals, condensed visions, objectives, and knowledge agenda, as formulated by leading personalities in global development 11:00 – 12:30 Keynote adresses from Industry, NGOs, Academia

  • His Highness BRIG. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Tahnon AL Nahyan, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Toni Elumelu, Elumelu Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria (tbc)
  • Sarah Cummings,, Netherlands
  • Tan Yigitcanlar, Queensland University, Brisbane Australia

14:00 – 15:30 Knowledge Café: Dialogue on the Knowledge Development Goals (KDG) Facilitated by Peter Bury (tbc), core team of KM4Dev 16:00 – 17:30 Moderated Panel Discussion with the Keynote Speakers on the Knowledge Development Goals (KDG) 18:00 – 19:00 Knowledge Management Award Ceremony 2016 Chaired by Andreas Brandner Among the Winners of 2016 is the global community, which is cordially invited to participate in the ceremony. 19:00 End of Conference - Reception 20:00 KM4Dev dinner in a restaurant

How to register for 14 October

95 EUR (Students younger than 25 are eligible for a fee of 70 EUR) You can register on Eventbrite here

For further information, please contact Dr. Andreas Brandner General Manager KMA Knowledge Management Austria Gersthofer Straße 162 1180 Vienna Phone: +43 1 470 29 09 Email: Web:

Day 4 Saturday | KM4Dev The future of knowledge management for development

our field and our KM4Dev

  • If you are part of the Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Community...
  • If you work in knowledge management/knowledge sharing for development and would like to meet peers from around the world to test ideas, ask for advice, learn from others...
  • If you live near or can get to Vienna and would like to engage around knowledge management... and want to engage with fabulous peers in development...

...then we would be happy if you’d join us for the KM4Dev2016 meeting in Vienna on 15 October 2016.


  • What have we learned from the Knowledge Cities World Summit and the Global Knowledge for Development summit which is relevant for the future of KM4Dev?

  • How do we see KM4Dev developing over the coming years? Although the interests of KM4Dev members are very varied, KM4Dev has had something of a focus on tools and methods. However, other broader issues are emerging: what is the role of KM in organisational development? What are the challenges facing the implementation of KM? What role if knowledge playing in societal development?

  • How do we maintain the vibrancy of KM4Dev?

Draft programme
Join us to set the agenda, topics, purpose, method and more [1]

08:00 – 09:00 Arrival, welcome, registration and coffee desk 09:00 – 10:30 Re-cap and discussion of the previous meetings: what are the implications for the future of Km4Dev? How should Km4Dev respond to the challenges and opportunities identified? This could focus on implications for tools and methods; the role of KMin organisational development and 11:30 – 13.00 How do we see our KM4Dev? This should include Inputs from those unable to be present. How would they like to see the future of KM4Dev? (need to discuss format for this, possibly buddy system so that people present can present others' ideas too). This could include presentation of the futures project and Melissa Bator's study of KM4Dev, followed by discussion in world cafe. 14:00 – 15:30 Development of action plans for the future of KM4Dev. 15:30- 17:00 Discussion with the core group about how they would plan to take these ideas forward.

Registration for the KM4Dev2016 Day on Saturday 15 October

Please add your name, contact details and eventual contribution in this Google Sheet [2]

We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

KM4Dev organizing team

  • Andreas Brandner
  • Peter Bury
  • Sarah Cummings
  • Nancy Dixon
  • Riff Fullan
  • Helen Gillman
  • Carl Jackson
  • Lucie Lamoureux
  • Christina Merl
  • Cesar Robles
  • Reza Salim

For more information:

Some of us in 2011


KM4Dev2016: Logistical information

watch for regular updates


For affordable accommodation consider AirBnB [3]; YMCA [4] and similar [5].

If you require assistance with obtaining a visa, please contact Rita Ogunfojuri of KMA, the local organisers, as soon as possible.