Help:Site Map
From KM4Dev Wiki
This section hosts summaries of discussions run on KM4Dev. You can prepare summaries and browse discussions by topics, countries, contributors.
This section hosts personal pages of KM4Dev members with their contributions to the discussions run on the network.
- KM4Dev Technology Assessment Group Work Area
- KM4Dev Innovation Fund 2010: seed funding for new ideas/projects/outputs
- KM in Development Course: a potential project
- Knowledge Expeditions: Blog: Knowledge Expeditions on WordPress
- KM4D Journal
- IKM Emergent Programme
- SDC Focus on Knowledge Articles
- CARE Knowledge Sharing Workshop
- FAO TKN Review
- KS Animations: This wiki page is intended to support further development of the Knowledge Sharing animation modules. See the KS Animations Dgroup for links and resources to modules or join the discussion list. See Development of the Peer Assist Flash Module for documentation specifically related to the first module on the Peer Assist.
- KM4Dev Core Group
- Savoir Gestion (SA-GE): The francophone community wiki, which relates to the previous page about Francophone KM4DEV
- KM4DEV_Addis_Ababa/Ethiopia wiki page
- KM4dev in Rome wiki page
- KM4DEV in The Netherlands
Other Key pages
- KM4Dev 2013 Nepal event : reference page on exploring and eventually preparing a KM4Dev event end 2013 in Nepal
- KM4Dev 2013 workshop: information about the Seattle, Washington (USA) event, to be held July 29-31, 2013
- KM4Dev 2016 Vienna meetings: information about the planned Vienna (Austria) event to be held October 12-15, 2016
- KM4Dev Wiki functionality: a conversation about improving the organisation of the wiki.
- Thinking About Our Community: What we do together and how we do it