From KM4Dev Wiki
Below is the full list of 114 discussions which have been - or need to be - summarized on this wiki, organized by topics.
If you need to further narrow your search, you can use the advanced search to filter discussions by topics, keywords, date, and in some cases by region and country.
Some of the discussions that have been summarized don't appear in this list. This is because they need to be re-added using the Discussion Form. You can find a list of discussions that need to be re-added at this page. Feel free to prepare one or two! :)
Communities and Networks
- What does the term "landscape of practices" evoke for you in your own KM4Dev work? (Posted on 17 December 2013)
- Knowledge sharing amongst traditional weavers of East Nusa Tenggara: a myth or potential (Posted on 15 July 2010)
- Social Network Mapping: how to map partners' capabilities (Posted on 20 April 2010)
- Community Building: how to make people use KS tools (Posted on 12 January 2010)
- Communities of practice and thematic networks in international development (Posted on 18 December 2009)
- Social network analysis of an aid agency (Posted on 8 October 2009)
- Planning a workshop to launch of a Community of Practice (Posted on 3 April 2009)
- CoPs based in the Pacific and cultural barriers to participating in virtual CoPs (Posted on 10 March 2009)
- Experience with Net-Map Network Mapping method (Posted on 18 February 2009)
General Development Topics
- Knowledge Sharing around water management innovations in the Andes and Himalayas (Posted on 19 August 2013)
- Alternatives to Maslow’s motivation model (Posted on 28 June 2010)
- Researching internet usage at internet cafes (Posted on 20 February 2009)
Group Methods and Knowledge Sharing
- Understanding Leader-ful Activities Over-Time in KM4Dev (Posted on 8 March 2017)
- Ideas for alternative, creative ways of inputs - PPT-free workshops (Posted on 1 July 2013)
- Moving people's focus away from KM "products" to KM or KS processes (Posted on 10 September 2012)
- A rigorous approach to lesson learning (Posted on 6 August 2010)
- KS for newcomers (Posted on 26 April 2010)
- Brown Bag Lunches (Posted on 11 March 2010)
- Peer Assists Online - Case Studies (Posted on 12 February 2010)
- Experience with Knowledge Cafe format (Posted on 6 February 2009)
- Designing a Knowledge Sharing project across countries and programmes (Posted on 29 January 2009)
- Motivating Staff to generate innovative ideas (Posted on 13 November 2008)
KM and KS in General
- What does the term "landscape of practices" evoke for you in your own KM4Dev work? (Posted on 17 December 2013)
- Knowledge Sharing around water management innovations in the Andes and Himalayas (Posted on 19 August 2013)
- Positive deviants/ce in knowledge management for development (Posted on 19 September 2012)
- Moving people's focus away from KM "products" to KM or KS processes (Posted on 10 September 2012)
- Job handover (Posted on 31 January 2012)
- Starting Innovation Processes in organizations (Posted on 3 May 2010)
- Examples of organizations taking a genuinely strategic approach to KM (Posted on 12 April 2010)
- Classification of KM subjects and subcategories (Posted on 3 March 2010)
- Knowledge Translation (Posted on 3 March 2010)
- Knowledge Management Events (Posted on 23 February 2010)
- KM Certification (Posted on 18 February 2010)
- DIKW (Data - Information - Knowledge - Wisdom) Model (Posted on 1 February 2010)
- Coping with the flow of ideas (Posted on 8 December 2009)
- Intercultural Communication (Posted on 20 October 2009)
- Institutional Memory and KM (Posted on 20 October 2009)
- The value and impact of Knowledge Sharing and collaboration (Posted on 11 October 2009)
- Looking for Case Studies on KM (Posted on 9 October 2009)
- Symbols, cartoons and animations to represent Knowledge Management concepts (Posted on 19 March 2009)
- KS Award: Recognizing good KS behaviour (Posted on 4 March 2009)
- Mentoring and Coaching as Knowledge Sharing Strategies (Posted on 3 March 2009)
- Developing an organizational taxonomy (Posted on 20 February 2009)
- Sharing Lessons and Worst Practices (Posted on 30 January 2009)
- Wikipedia Definition of Knowledge Management (Posted on 2 November 2008)
- Difference between IM and KM (Posted on 21 November 2005)
- Knowledge Management (KM) (Posted on 1 October 2005)
- Information Management (IM) (Posted on 1 October 2005)
- KM for Development (Posted on 1 November 2001)
Knowledge Sharing Technologies
- Lessons Learned - The Loch Ness monster of KM (Posted on 18 July 2013)
- Knowledge mapping apps (Posted on 3 March 2013)
- Online project planning tools (Posted on 2 March 2013)
- Web conferencing for large groups in low bandwidth (Posted on 13 February 2013)
- Library management systems for small NGOs (Posted on 21 May 2010)
- Interactive Mapping (Posted on 21 May 2010)
- Enterprise 2.0 platforms - case studies (Posted on 20 May 2010)
- Social Network Platform comparison - alternatives to Ning (Posted on 13 May 2010)
- Social profiles for staff - case studies (Posted on 12 May 2010)
- Metrics for the success of implementation of knowledge platform or Web 2.0 tools (Posted on 7 April 2010)
- Social profiles, expert localisation, who's who tools (Posted on 14 March 2010)
- Success factors for development and management of Knowledge Sharing Platforms (Posted on 13 March 2010)
- Community Building: how to make people use KS tools (Posted on 12 January 2010)
- Intranet and file sharing tools for low bandwidth (Posted on 6 January 2010)
- Using Sharepoint as basis for Community Collaboration Platform (Posted on 4 January 2010)
- Keyword based browse and search - case studies (Posted on 9 December 2009)
- Use of Yammer for internal organizational networking (Posted on 9 December 2009)
- Coping with the flow of ideas (Posted on 8 December 2009)
- Contact and database management systems (Posted on 2 December 2009)
- IT Tools for virtual projects (Posted on 26 November 2009)
- Low cost and low bandwidth webinar software (Posted on 18 September 2009)
- Software packages for text analysis and text mining (Posted on 19 March 2009)
- Tools for collaborative editing of documents (Posted on 17 March 2009)
- Low bandwidth online survey tools (Posted on 12 March 2009)
- Web design for low connectivity (Posted on 4 March 2009)
- Virtual Whiteboard tools (Posted on 3 March 2009)
- Workspace options in countries with poor infrastructure (Posted on 12 February 2009)
- Training sessions across different geographic locations (Posted on 4 February 2009)
- Designing Online Information Portals - Monitoring and Evaluation (Posted on 3 February 2009)
- Manual on teaching ICT in secondary schools (Posted on 8 January 2009)
- Content Management Systems (CMS) for implementing Google Maps (Posted on 16 November 2008)
- Online Powerpoint Slide Library (Posted on 10 November 2008)
- Twitter (Posted on 24 July 2008)
Knowledge and International Development
- Learning from experiences: Its limits? Its future relevance? (Posted on 6 March 2015)
- Imagining a smarter world (Posted on 1 November 2014)
- Community Advocacy for sustainable development (Posted on 28 February 2014)
- Define Facilitator (Posted on 14 February 2014)
- Knowledge Sharing around water management innovations in the Andes and Himalayas (Posted on 19 August 2013)
- Knowledge sharing amongst traditional weavers of East Nusa Tenggara: a myth or potential (Posted on 15 July 2010)
- Library management systems for small NGOs (Posted on 21 May 2010)
- Promoting bottom-up information flows in international development NGOs (Posted on 29 January 2010)
- Communities of practice and thematic networks in international development (Posted on 18 December 2009)
- Social network analysis of an aid agency (Posted on 8 October 2009)
- Donor and NGO Coordination and Accountability (Posted on 6 April 2009)
- Reading list: Capacity Building in development networks (Posted on 12 February 2009)
- Designing a Knowledge Sharing project across countries and programmes (Posted on 29 January 2009)
- Manual on teaching ICT in secondary schools (Posted on 8 January 2009)
- Does sector learning lead to enhanced capacity and performance? (Posted on 5 January 2009)
- KM for Development (Posted on 1 November 2001)
Monitoring and Evaluation
- How do you measure impact of your knowledge products and publications? (Posted on 19 April 2015)
- Lessons Learned - The Loch Ness monster of KM (Posted on 18 July 2013)
- How to collect and present Lessons Learnt (Posted on 2 December 2011)
- Measuring Knowledge Sharing (Posted on 10 August 2010)
- Evaluating Partnerships (Posted on 1 June 2010)
- Self-assessment for online facilitation (Posted on 7 May 2010)
- After Action Reviews (Posted on 8 April 2010)
- Metrics for the success of implementation of knowledge platform or Web 2.0 tools (Posted on 7 April 2010)
- Conference Impact analysis (Posted on 23 February 2010)
- Monitoring, Measuring and Evaluating KM (Posted on 17 February 2010)
- What do knowledge managers spend their time doing (Posted on 30 January 2010)
- Monitoring and Evaluation in the non-profit sector (Posted on 15 January 2010)
- KS Award: Recognizing good KS behaviour (Posted on 4 March 2009)
- Monitoring Impacts of Project reports and other written outputs (Posted on 18 February 2009)
- Organizational Learning Indicators (Posted on 13 February 2009)
- Designing Online Information Portals - Monitoring and Evaluation (Posted on 3 February 2009)
- Open source software for Social Network Analysis (Posted on 12 November 2008)
- How Monitoring can address learning needs (Posted on 3 November 2008)