Curt Wellington
About Curt Wellington
Faculty/Consultant - Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business - University of the West Indies - St Augustine
Post Graduate Diploma Human Resource Management - Executive Master of Business Administration - Currently reading for the Doctor of Business Administration degree - Topic: The Role of Employees' Knowledge Sharing Behaviour on Customer Satisfaction through Improvement in Organisational Capital
Reason for Interest in Knowledge Management
In the post-independence period, the Caribbean has survived on the extractive industries, tourism and export of primary products to preferential markets. Despite being resource-rich, retail trade and distribution continue to be the major contributors to GDP with government spending being the driver of most Caribbean economies. Research has also shown that the Caribbean has been an exporter of skilled and educated resources to the developed countries with remittances being a major contributor of some economies.
In the private sector, the managerial culture has remained very much rooted in the industrial era where people were employed to undertake jobs or routine mundane tasks and were required to follow instructions rather than engage in any creative endeavour. My vision is to influence a change in the managerial culture that would facilitate the development of fertile ground for the creative minds of Caribbean nationals and stimulate growth based on the collective wisdom of the people rather than rely on the spending of borrowed funds by a mendicant state.
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