Social bookmarking:
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- Title of the Project: Social bookmarking:
- Project leader: Peter Ballantyne, Euforic (Netherlands)
- Brief description: in 2006 some KM4Dev related individuals began collaboratively tagging interesting resources concerning non-profit uses/approaches/experiences with knowledge sharing in development on We set up a 'home' blog that did not really take off, but we now have hundreds of items using this tag, and several people subscribing to feeds etc. Some of us talked about how to take this forward, maybe identifying a couple of major associated tags that could be the basis for a 'simple' folksonomy that coulod, for instance offer us ways to track and retrieve npk4dev related resources, from trusted peers and colleagues, on, for instance, blogging, social bookmarking, web2.0, etc etc...
- Current stage: He have an interesting critical mass of people, we have lots of tagging going on, we perhaps don't know exactly where we are going, we could perhaps enhance the quality of ehat we do, we probably miss out on some exciting spinoffs or opportunities we are not aware of.
- Estimated work time needed: Probably 3-4 hours (in 2 phases). It might be fun to also try and do a tag 'sprint' during the meeting where all participants are asked to tage their most useful resources. This could run throughout the days for people to 'play' in their own time.
- Output: Updated guidelines, possible agreement to take the experiment forward (or to adapt or close it), possible additional sub-tags and folksonomy, possible strategy to embed as KM4Dev project with more people mobilised, ideas on possible new ways to use the outputs, possible proposal to take demo/request to participate to web2conference in rome in September, possible formation of interest group in KM4dev to enhance ways to use social bookmarking as part of KS approaches and strategies.... plus probably ideas from other npk4dev taggers.
- Experience/skills sought in potential collaborators for the project: I think mainly we attract current npk4dev taggers to meet. Several will surely be at the meeting. There might be some people not yet tagging who are interested. Say 6-10 people max.
- Logistical needs: an informal meeting space; something '' to fortify us; some way to let participants tag interesting stuff throughout the meeting?; wifi and our own laptops?
- Useful Resources
- example of a tag summary
- Beth Kanter's blog posts on the NPTEch community LOTS of good stuff here that Beth has pulled together, including basics of how to tag, visualization of tags through a variety of methods, etc.
- What would you like to see come out from the workshop? Beyond this cluster, I personally would like to come away with a sense of the 'state of the art/action' km4dev-wise.
- Sign-up sheet (to participate in this session, please write ** Your name):
- Peter Ballantyne
- Joseph Tanui (also working on project 7)
- Joitske Hulsebosch (I’ll be more of a bypasser/intruder :) )
- Dale Chadwick (im in 8, but am interested playing with social bookmarking as a intellectual exercise. Still unsure of return on overhead spent )
- Nancy White (already on 5 and 10, but maybe we can use 10 as the documentation process for this one?)
- George de Gooijer, on 10 as well, like Nancy. Looking forward to the sprinting.
- Christian Kreutz (I am already in another workshop, but I will provide some visualization of the NPK4DEV tags)
- Dorine Ruter (in workshop 4, but will definately come and do some taggin' at the Tag Inn!)