Raw notes from the discovery day

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Day 0 - Discovery Day

KM4Dev Mapping Exercise

Sister/Brother Communities

  • SEEP
  • UNEGI (Girles Education)
  • Web 2 for Dev
  • LINGOs
  • KS Geneva
  • eCollaboration
  • MSC
  • C4D (Communication for Dev)
  • Global Labour Network
  • Gurteen Knowledge
  • CPSquare
  • Pelican
  • Ugabytes
  • Community informatics
  • SETUBAL Bloggers
  • Info Management Workshop Group
  • KM HIV/AIDS Group
  • British Council
  • Women in ICT
  • IKMediaries
  • Harvard MIT
  • APC (Association for Progressive Communication)
  • Development Gateway
  • ItrainOnline
  • ComPrac
  • Bellanet
  • Social Economy in LAC
  • RCPLA (participatory learning in Action)
  • Violence against women in South East Asia
  • Impact Alliance
  • KM Think Table
  • Education for Disaster Reduction
  • Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative
  • KM@Asia
  • Women in ICT
  • Outcome Mapping
  • KM GTZ
  • Microhealth
  • GAPNet
  • REMACC (most significant change)
  • International Federation of Libraries & Inst
  • Mobility & Health
  • IAF (Inf Association of facilitators)
  • Art of Hosting
  • Pioneers of Change
  • On Fac
  • Open Space
  • KM Team of former Employees at the WB
  • UNESCO elearning
  • Geneva Web
  • ACT-KM
  • AOK
  • ILO informal
  • Poverty Net
  • IICD Country Program Entworks
  • UNDP CoPs
  • ILO UN Reform
  • Blue Bar
  • IFRTD (Transport)
  • GAP Net

Sister Communities


  • Appreciate Eva's offer and courage. This is why KM4D is valuable
  • Collective learning about social net mapping
  • Wonder, not that comfortable exercise
  • Traveling to other tables, existing & potential partnerships
  • The room felt full of different emotions/tensions
  • Felt we wanted to make it more aspirational esp with new relationship "future Orientation"
  • Seedlings can be fragile -- when/how to use
  • "I'm a zero now" -> potential
  • I'm 1 here but a 5 in another network and that has value. Good to know then
  • Feels strange - those who appear outside
  • Want to explore map of networks, which might be key & then map connection to the outside
  • Not sure what to do if I didn't have any/very many links
  • See KM4Dev as a source of content and/or community
  • Rating part uncomfortable
  • Did not actually map relationships. More perceptions
  • Not sure why networks names then not used. Confusing
  • facilitating discussions with facs
  • Add our networks to the wiki - network discovery tool. Missed opportunity
  • Like a KM4Dev events - diff from academia we come here to experiment and learn
  • How we use our relationships to connect with other networks
  • You can't skip something just because it is too big
  • Tools - ICCO last 2 days. Would have been good to do this exercise (know each other and strengths)
  • Beyond closure... the value of unsettled ends for learning
  • As a facilitator: Wow. Like a boat on a wild sea. But only calmly rocking at the end. Thanks for being honest, reacting openly where things didn't go well, were confused or uncomfortable and allowing me to learn by experiment and feedback.


  • Forget about the dualities
  • We still all have to learn from each other
  • Tomorrow there is an extra challenge; there will be an additional 30 people