Peer Assists Online - Case Studies
Original Message
From: Nancy White, posted on 2010/02/12
Hi All
I have a very practical question - can anyone share stories of how they have done peer assists online either on telephone bridge lines, web meeting tools or even asynchronously? Tips for what worked and what didn't. Some of us are doing a little experimentation and I'd like to get some sense of others' experiences.
All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:
Nancy White
Wini Dagli
Joitske Hulsebosch
Mark Hammersley
Lucie Lamoureux
Sam Lanfranco
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Detailed Description
[the meat of the topic – clearly, crisply communicated summary of the topic. Where relevant, a brief story – no more than 1-2 paragraphs - of how this topic has been turned into practice, ideally from the KM4Dev archives? If the example is long, separate into a separate subsection]
Examples in Application
[One or a few practical examples and references that illustrate the topic or show how it is done in practice]