KM in Disaster Response - Nepal 2015 Earthquake
Original Message
All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:
Related Discussions
This is an ongoing effort - will summarize later
What can KM4Dev Members do now?
Connecting to Volunteer Opportunities
From Luca Servo: become #DigitalJedis and join This can help the effort of checking/filtering thousands of pictures and tweets about the earthquake and support the assessment of the situation. It's very useful, it's a brand new way to afford disasters and it helps a lot, especially if many people join together, this effort to afford the new big-data deal. See also TOMNOD also activated a mapping tool to assess the disaster
From Davide Piga: The initiative is part of UN/OCHA's activation of the Digital Humanitarians Network aimed at augmenting their disaster damage and needs assessments. More info here:
"The purpose of the Digital Humanitarian Network (DHNetwork) is to leverage digital networks in support of 21st century humanitarian response. More specifically, the aim of this network-of-networks is to form a consortium of Volunteer & Technical Communities (V&TCs) and to provide an interface between formal, professional humanitarian organizations and informal yet skilled-and-agile volunteer & technical networks."
Donation Opportunities
Advice on donating: Decide how much you can give and divide it into three allocations (you decide what % for each) and make your first donation to one an immediate relief agency (see A below), then to B & C:
A. Immediate relief through a reputable international agency that does emergency relief; such as: i. Oxfam (UK is already there, USA is arriving)… ii. Global Giving (supports many smaller initiatives in Nepal—see iii. Doctors without Borders region/nepal or the America Nepal Medical Foundation
B. Reconstruction assistance through a smaller, more local organization that has been working in an affected area: remember that the worst damage has occurred outside of the cities, particularly to the areas between Gorkha and Kathmandu (from personal contacts I know that most of Dhading, Rasuwa & Nuwakot in the west were completely leveled; Sara Shneiderman and Mark Turin report extensive damage in Dolakha; this suggests that, but I don’t have direct information, Helambu has likely also been hard hit). The organization we will be working closely with: i. Educate the Children works in Nuwakot & Dolakha mostly
C. Personal connections: find out how to send money directly to people you know in affected areas; ask those people the best way to send money to them (Western Union or Bank transfer) i. Our government and other governments will be providing aid through government channels; rest assured that significant portions of that aid will not get into rural communities or meet individual needs. ii. In this emergency, everyone who has been affected will need more resources than they have or than the government is likely to provide. iii. If you know and trust a particular personal connection, you can also ask them to share your gift with others in need as much as they can. iv. If you don't know anyone and want me to get money to individual people in need, just contact me.
Recommended Donation Options from Members
Nancy White: Mountain Fund Rebuilding Fund and Global Giving Earthquake Fund - For immediate cash on the ground.
Commmunications Resources
Sadly due to the Nepal earthquake we are including a roundup of what we hope will be useful resources for colleagues working in the areas of post-earthquake communication and media. CDAC have put together a set of ‘lessons learnt’ that explore what can be learnt from previous humanitarian responses to help communicate effectively with communities affected by the earthquake in Nepal. Social Media for Good have a list of social media and ICT4D responses being used in Nepal post-earthquake and welcome new contributions.
Messages from Members
From ICIMOD: Dear All, Greetings from ICIMOD's Knowledge Management Team. We have setup a Relief Fund and will encourage all to help us support local communities in great need of help. Please go to for more information. Besides this we are busy working with helping the Home Ministry with mapping help and rescue activities, coordinating help provided from different organization. We are in the process of setting up a website with relevant maps, satellite images in collaboration with NASA etc. please see for real time updated information.
Anja M. Rasmussen senior manager ICIMOD
Update from Anja April 30: We at ICIMOD are collecting data, creating maps and providing access to reliable satellite images for the use of our Home Ministry's coordination work. They are the Nepali Focal Institution for all coordination of relief work. We are a SERVIR service centre and work close with NASA and other international centres on this using NASA's and our own MODIS receiver to create useful maps on landslide effected areas, potential glacier lake outbursts and relief maps. The maps will from today be freely available from our web page at and will be updated almost hourly. These maps will also be printed and distributed to relevant organizations. We are also working on a crowd-sourced volunteer based model for mapping relief for the Ministry, not duplicating KLL's, but supporting the ministry's needs.
From Nepal Internet Society:
Dear fellows and colleagues,
This is an unfortunate sharing that Nepal is badly hit by a devastating tremor (7.9 Richter Scale) that occurred on 25 April 2015 (Saturday). The aftershock tremors are still going on. Another tremor hit the nation with magnitude of 6.7 Richter scale on Mid-Day of 26th April. Since after the first one, there were at least 70 plus aftershock tremors of magnitude 4.5 and more. There has been massive loss of lives and physical property. So far, the death casualties have reached 4500 plus and the number of injured is more than 6,000. This figure may go very high. The rescue and relief operation are on full-swing mobilizing all possible means and resources. The humanitarian assistance regarding the rescue operation and relief package has started coming in from our immediate neighbors and friends all around the world.
In this catastrophic disaster, The Internet Society Nepal community is closely working on how we can contribute to the society. We are focusing on restoring communicational channels and raising funds for the same.
In this regards, people and organizations who want to contribute to the fund for the support of #Victims of earthquake in Nepal are requested to send amounts in the name of Internet Society Nepal bank account maintained at Bank of Kathmandu Limited, Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal. Internet Society Nepal will mobilize the fund in coordination with Nepal Police, Telecom operators and ISPs.
Bank Details:
Below is Beneficiary Account Information
Beneficiary's Name: Internet Society Nepal
Beneficiary's Address: Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Beneficiary's Account Number: 010000061584524
Swift Code: BOKLNPKA
Also, Please email us after fund transfer in ISOC Nepal account.
Thank you
With Best Regards,
Advocate Babu Ram Aryal President, Internet Society Nepal
P.O.B. 15103 House #45 | Mirmire Marga Kathmandu-32, Anamnagar | Kathmandu | Nepal Phone: +977-1-4243071 | 4245841 Cell: +977-9851048401
It couldn't be more relevant to KM4Dev! I would be curious to know what other analogue initiatives are out there.
From Jene Mege: Hello,
The central depository for documents is here: (with some contacts)
I guess people who wants to help or wants to be in relation with people on the ground could register on: (new app for contact list that had been tested in Vanuatu, Philippines and now Nepal - more info here:
Central depository for data is here:
Other network/community activated for Nepal response can be found here: or (sorry mainly about GIS/imagery)
I guess OCHA or UNDAC will have a/several focal point for C4D that will support the humanitarian community. It was the case in the Philippines.
Best regards,
From Mare Fort/CARE: We (Care) are also using the geo maps to identify the damage in remote and inaccessible communities but more important to start process of consultation with communities on urgent needs. When the crisis is more manage and the reconstruction stars, we will need lot of support to shift from urgency to address the more deep issues in the community and the country. We are focusing now, for example in Gender based violence and protection in emergencies. Sharing lessons and expertise from other big emergencies such as Haiti and. cyclone H is very important. Big responders will not be able to reach all people neither the government so I see an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences to small and community based organization on how to organized the response and focus on the more affected and marginalized....
What do we know about KM in disaster contexts?
What can we learn from this experience for the future?
Examples in Application
One or a few practical examples and references that illustrate the topic or show how it is done in practice
Recommended Resources
Links to publications, websites, contacts and general resources shared in the e-discussion
Nepal Earthquake: What we might/can/will do?