KM4Dev Workshop - Brighton July 2006
Monday July 10
Personal Experience / Perspective Sharing and Goal Setting
Learning, Knowledge and Change: Three contrasting perspectives
Knowledge Cafe: Exploring three questions over lunch in the KM4Dev Cafe
Plenary Session: Change, Learning and Knoweldge in International Development What needs to shange in International Development practice and how can knowledge and learning contribute to bringing it about - personal, organisational, institutional dimensions?
Working Groups - Knowledge and Learning as Facilitators of Change:
Tuesday July 11
Learning as a Social Practice - the challenge to linear/atomistic models models of learning, knowledge and change
- Learning Alliances - comparing the effectiveness of this methodology in 4 different contexts: Stef Smits (IRS International Water and Sanitation Centre)
- "Making Explicit Practitioners' Theories about how change happens" - Boru Douthwaite (CIAT - International Centre for Tropical Agriculture)
- KT4D - Knowledge Transfer for Development - Reza Salim (Amandar Gram - Our Village Project / BFES)
Stories About Our Practice capture key points from the presentations and discussions. (Note: should upload presentations and approach documents)
Picnic: Small group reflection and discussion with walk in Falmer Park to picnics
Discussion on the Knowledge Expeditions Initiatives: The opportunity was seized to get input and feedback on the Knowledge Expeditions concept note.
The session started with an explanation from Allison on what we wanted to do in the 1.5hr session and why. The thinking was to use the session to conduct a peer assist of sorts to validate the KE concept and to generate new ideas & new thinking on a the initiative. We also wanted to identify potential collaborators.
Simone provided an outline of the concept and how the idea originated:
- initial interest at the KM4Dev Geneva workshop 2005 of working together on the storytelling guide and ks toolkit
- Meeting in Bern; re-orientation of thinking; from tool-centric towards learning alliances
- Focus on pressing challenges of KM4Dev
- Joining with others to tackle similar questions in a Knowledge Expedition
Workshop participants were invited to do the following:
- Choose a theme of interest - Vision, Mission, Glue, Wisdom, Growth (or 'ripples'), Memory, Fire of the Field - or create a new theme.
- Discuss the following (45 mins):
- What attracts you to this theme?
- What questions, keywords, approaches are missing? (add post-its)
- How would you do a Knowledge Expedition?
- Short debrief – Path and Equipment
- Flipchart it (key points, names) or add it to the wiki page at:
Under each theme, Simone added the notes captured in the flipcharts.
Debrief: Notes were captured in the debrief in plenary. Later in the evening, Allison and Ernst met to further discuss the concept and a process for carrying out an expedition emerged.
Wiki and Dgroup Sessions:
Impromptu demos of wikis and Dgroups were held at the end of the day.
Core Team Meeting:
(Note: To add link to the minutes of the meeting)
Breakout Parallel Sessions
Objective: Semi-structured time for participants to share ideas on topics loosely connected with the theme of the workshop.
There were many sessions scheduled throughout the morning from 915 to 1050.
Loose Ends and New Beginnings - Open Space Sessions
- Knowledge Flows: HQ - Regions - the Field (Michelle and Nick)
- Knowledge (& KM), Learning (& OL) & Change (Dan)
- Knowledge, Power and Development (Andrew)
- Making the case for KM and OL: Is it necessary? And if so, how? (Boru and Sanjini)
- Knowledge surveys – Questions to be asked within organisations (Maarten)
- KM4Dev Journal (Sarah and Lucie)
- Creative workshop for 2007 (Camilo)
- Web 2.0 and KM4Dev (Allison and Bev)
- Workshopping in the KM way (Alim)
- M&E for KM and M&E for KM (Ben)
- What’s Happening with KM in Multilateral and Bilateral Development Agencies? (Geoff)